Chapter 26

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**2 years later**

"It's fine. I've raised four children and I have three other grandchildren too you know. We'll be fine."

Kara sighed, watching the twins running around the living room of Lisa's house, "I know. I know. Just haven't left them overnight anywhere before."

Lisa offered her a reassuring smile as she nudged her slightly out the door, "don't worry. Just go have fun."

Kara nodded as she chuckled, "yeah alright. Thanks again. I'll come by to get them in the morning." She left without looking back at the twins, knowing she wouldn't be able to say goodbye again. She climbed into the back of the SUV that awaited her, taking her place beside Elisa.

"Ready?!" Elisa nudged her sister's shoulder as Claire, Shanna and Carly all laughed at her and their driver for the night pulled out onto the road. "Time to get wasted and play games."

Kara groaned, accepting the 'Bride to Be' sash from Claire as she slung it over her head. "No too wasted. I still have kids I have to pick up in the morning. And god knows what Eddie and Scott have gotten Chris into tonight."

Claire laughed, "I wouldn't worry about Eddie. Though he's looking forward to spending time with the guys, he isn't all that into drinking so much anymore."

"That just makes him a lightweight." Kara chuckled as Claire looked kind of concerned. She shook her head, "I'm joking. I'm sure the guys will be fine."

Claire nodded as Shanna smiled, "probably Scott you should be worried about anyways. He has a tendency to go overboard and Chris will follow him."

Kara groaned again, "maybe I should just call him and see if they're okay." Elisa tried to wrangle the phone from her but Kara succeeded in holding onto it. "Just let me call him and then you can commandeer my phone. Deal?" Elisa sighed but nodded as Kara was already dialing his number. After a few rings, he answered it. "Chris?"

'Guess again lover.'

Kara rolled her eyes and the girls all laughed as Scott answered the phone, "put Chris on. What are you guys doing tonight?"

Scott laughed, 'I'm not allowed to divulge that information. Sorry. And you're not allowed to talk to him either. I will deliver him to your doorstep in the morning, don't you worry little sister.'

Kara laughed when she heard Chris's voice in the background, professing his love, "fine. Not one hair out of place Scott. I mean it. And no strippers!"

Scott laughed again, 'yeah... we'll see.'

Kara stared at the phone as the line went dead and she looked at her sister as she handed her the phone. "You don't think he's serious do you?"

Shanna laughed, "come on. The strippers Chris and Eddie are going to like are not the same strippers that Scott will." She shrugged, "besides, we're going to see strippers." She winked at Kara as her face turned bright red.

"No way guys! I don't want to see strippers. I barely want to drink."

Elisa looped her arm in her sisters, "too late little one. Let's go." Kara was dragged from the car by the girls as the stood in front of a male strip club. She couldn't control the low groan as she was dragged inside to a table to the right of the stage. She sat, pouting as a drink was placed in front of her. Elisa nudged her shoulder, handing her a five dollar bill. "Go ahead, put it in the man's g-string."

Kara blushed as she looked up at the man with shaggy dark blond hair and tight muscles that led down to a very small red thong. She tore her eyes away from the what was filling out the thong as she placed the bill in the band of them, soft curses escaping her lips as she did. Once he walked away, she hit Elisa on the arm, "why would you think I would want something like this?"

Elisa only rolled her eyes and pointed to the stage, "just enjoy the show."

"I don't want to watch random men strip for me when I can go home and have Chris do it for me. He's the only man I want to see naked."

"Gross." Elisa pretended to gag as the lights went out and music died down, new guys coming out onto the stage.

Kara sighed, seeing three shadows on the stage with their heads lowered. As the music started, the lights came up and she leaned back in the booth, watching Chris in the front with Eddie and Scott flanking him on either side. They all wore fake police uniforms, discarding their shirts at the same time. She blushed fiercely as Chris's gaze locked on hers and he winked at her. She looked out into the sea of women watching Chris as they danced, sliding their hands down their chests and abdomens. She clenched her jaw, jealousy ripping through her as she watched the women fawning over the guys. She heard the music lower slightly as she looked back up to see Chris with a microphone, looking at her.

"I'm told there's a bride to be here tonight. Why don't you join us?" She groaned, shaking her head as Chris chuckled, "come on darling. I won't bite. Not too hard." He held up a set of handcuffs as she heard another woman shout from the audience that she'd gladly go in her place. That set a fire in Kara as she rose to her feet, looking at only Chris as she accepted his hand to escort her on stage. He quickly flipped her so her back was pressed to his chest, "you've been bad, haven't you, darling?"

Kara let out a small moan and nodded as she felt Chris pull her arms behind her back, cuffing them together before shoving her onto a chair. She grinned, biting her lip as he winked at her. Her smile soon faltered as both Eddie and Scott pretended to give her a lap dance, causing her to laugh out loud instead before they left the stage. She locked eyes with Chris once more as he stalked towards her, ripping his pants off to display black boxer briefs before grinding on her lap.

He leaned down to her ear, "on a scale of 1 to 10, how jealous are you of other women seeing me like this?"

Kara growled, looking out at the women trying to vie for his attention before looking back at him. "20."

Chris laughed, cradling her chin in his hand as he brought his lips down to brush against her. He heard her whimper as he pulled away before lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder with her hands still cuffed behind her back as the women hollered. He set her on her feet in a dark corridor behind the stage, his lips crashing into hers as he did. He smiled against her mouth as she let out a small moan, her body trying to press against his. "You have been bad, haven't you?"

She grinned, "always for you." She waited until he leaned down to kiss her once more and she bit his lower lip, causing him to gasp and retreat back, "no one gets to see you like that but me."

He laughed again, leaning into her as he wrapped his arms around her, undoing the cuffs as he did, "you didn't like it? Knowing all those women wanted me but that I only want you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck as soon as they were free, a new smile on her face, "maybe a little. How long have you been planning this?"

He shrugged, "for a bit. Scott and Elisa knew we weren't really going to want separate parties. Now... can I take you home?"

She grinned but pushed him away, "I think we should wait to have sex again until next weekend when we get married." She laughed as she brushed past him, hearing him curse behind her as he followed after her.

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