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**Several years later**

"Ugh! Mom!" Sophia groaned as she stood next to her brother James as they stood in front of Chris and Kara. "I know the rules. We'll be fine. Besides, we're 18 now."

Kara sighed, "I know honey. We just want to make sure you're safe."

Sophia nodded, "we're going to Tommy's. We've been over there plenty of times before. I promise that nothing will happen."

"We know that, but there will also be people there that you don't know. Just go over the rules to put your mother's mind at rest please."

Sophia looked at Chris, "fine." She turned back to Kara, "don't accept any drinks that aren't sealed. Don't leave your drinks unattended. Check in with James. Use condoms."

Both James and Chris groaned. "My girl doesn't have sex."

Kara laughed as Sophia turned back on Chris. "I've been dating Tommy for two years dad. Of course I'm having sex. I've been on birth control since I was 16." She shrugged, nudging James' shoulder, "besides, he's having sex with his girlfriend too."

James groaned, "Soph!"

She laughed, "if we're going to talk about my sex life then we're going to talk about yours."

Chris sighed, "alright. We're done here. Get out of here. And keep an eye on each other. Call if you need one of us to pick you up." He hugged them both before watching Kara do the same as they watched them both leave.

Once they were gone, Kara turned back to Chris. "I can't believe our kids just graduated high school. We should have had a party here so we could keep an eye on them."

Chris shook his head, wrapping his arms around her, "no. They wanted to go to Tommy's and they'll be fine. We have to let them go. They'll be gone to college in a few months."

She grinned, looking up at him, "I know. I can't believe they both decided on Yale. I thought for sure they would choose schools miles from each other. I'm so glad they'll be together."

Chris shrugged, "they're close. I'm glad too. And they'll only be 2 hours away. Now come on, the others will be here soon." Just as he pulled away, Eddie with Claire and Elisa with her husband Robert entered the house. "Hey guys. Scott should be here soon too."

Elisa smiled, "aren't we too old for game night?"

Kara gasped, feigning insult, "you don't have to play with us if you don't want to." She went to the door when there was a knock, letting in Scott and his husband Steve, greeting them both with kisses.

Elisa smiled, "we didn't get kisses when we got here."

Kara shrugged, "you also complained about game night. How's Spence?"

She sighed, "he's fine. He'll be bringing home his girlfriend soon apparently."

Eddie laughed, nudging her, "we've met her. She's nice. You'll like her, I promise."

"What?! You've met her but I haven't?"

Kara laughed, leaning back on Chris as Eddie's face turned red. "Well yeah. We went up to see him in New York a few weeks ago." Chris led everyone into the kitchen where they had games and alcohol waiting. Eddie laughed, "now we're talking."


Kara was sitting on the couch with Chris, laughing when they heard James and Sophia come home. They entered into the living room, "Soph! Jamie! You're home!"

Sophia crossed her arms next to James, "are you guys drunk?"

Kara giggled as Chris poked her. She stood up, stumbling slightly as Chris grabbed her hand to stabilize her. "She's a little drunk. How was the party?"

"It was fine dad. Thanks for letting us go." James suppressed a laugh as Kara grabbed him in a hug.

"Promise you guys will still come home to visit every once in a while when you're in college."

Sophia sighed, rubbing her back, "of course we will mom. We won't be that far away. I promise we'll come home for one weekend a month."

Chris grinned, "I should get her to bed. She insisted on staying up until you guys got home. What time is it?"

James shrugged, "just after 1."

Chris nodded, "okay. Off to bed. We can talk more about it tomorrow." He shuffled Kara up the stairs, helping her undress once they were in their room with the door shut.

Kara sighed once they were in bed, resting her head on Chris's chest, "what are we going to do once the kids are gone?"

Chris laughed, "we'll have more time for ourselves. It'll be good. I promise."

She smiled, looking up at him, "I never imagined I would be here. With adult children while still madly in love with their father."

Chris chuckled, rolling her to her back, "madly, huh?"

She giggled as he started to kiss her neck, "madly."

****The End****
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