Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here darling? I thought you needed some space." Chris finally broke the silence after holding her for more than 30 minutes in his lap.

"Scott called me. I knew you would need me. I'm sorry Chris." She pulled back to look at him, afraid of what she was going to see.

"For what? Being right?"

She sighed, resting her forehead against his, "yes."

"Is that why you're here? To gloat that you were right about her lying?" He tried to push her off his lap but she didn't budge.

"No! Of course not! I would never. I'm here because I thought you would need the support."

He scoffed, "you disappeared when you didn't know if the kid was mine or not. Now that you're sure it isn't, here you are."

She stood up from his lap. "Fuck you! I needed time alone to think because of your propensity to fall for broken women. It had nothing to do with the baby! I love you and was prepared to support you no matter what!"

Chris groaned as he stood up with her, pulling her back to him, "no. I know. I'm sorry. I'm upset." She tensed when he wrapped his arms around her, but relaxed after a few moments. He sat back on the couch, pulling her back to his lap, "I liked you right here. I'm sorry. And you aren't broken Kara."

She sighed, "does she know that you know?"

"No. Scott got us both come in so he could draw our blood and test the paternity behind our backs. Did you know?"

She shrugged, "I knew he was suspicious like me. And he said he would find out, but didn't tell me how or that he did it. He just called me a bit ago and told me he found out you weren't the father and that you probably shouldn't be alone."

Chris sighed, "I'm glad he called you. Can we talk about something else now though?"

Kara chuckled, "yeah. Want to do something to take your mind off it?"

Chris grinned, "I do. Have something in mind?" She heard him groan as she started to grind against his lap and he laid his head back on the couch once more. She nipped and kissed at his neck as she felt him hardening under her. She moved off his lap, kneeling in front of him as he looked down at her. "You don't have to.."

"I want to. And we can't do more for another week. So let me do this." She watched him nod, the hunger obvious in his eyes as she undid his jeans before pulling them down to his ankles with his boxers. She grabbed the base as she leaned in to kiss the tip softly before flicking it with her tongue. She smiled as Chris groaned above her, not taking his eyes off her. She ran her tongue around the tip before rubbing it firmly along the frenulum as he moaned. She smiled as his breathing began to quicken as she took him into her mouth. She rested her hands on his thighs as she bobbed expertly on his cock, taking him all the way to her throat and back again until he was panting above her.

"Stop teasing me and let me come in that pretty throat." He smiled when she giggled, taking him back into her mouth as she bobbed on him quicker. She brought a hand up to his balls, squeezing gently as he groaned. She felt him grab her hair, guiding him onto her cock as he watched her. She heard him moan as his cock tensed and she felt him release into the back of her throat. He released her hair as he rested his head back on the couch. She swallowed before licking his cock, making sure to get every last drop as he groaned. She chuckled, helping him back into his pants before he pulled her back into his lap, crushing his mouth to hers.

She moaned into his mouth as his tongue teased hers before he pulled away. "I love you Chris. I'm sorry I left you earlier."

He sighed, interlocking his fingers behind her back, "I understand why you did even if I didn't like it. I love you Kara. And I know you are nervous, but you're different. And I'm definitely different from when I met Jessica. And I want only you."

She nodded, "I know. It's been a while since I've truly let someone in. I'm working on it."

He smiled, "I know you are. And I appreciate that. Don't hide from me. Please."

"I promise I won't anymore. What are you going to say to her?"

He groaned, "I honestly don't know what to do or what to say." He rested his forehead against hers, "but I do know that I need you."

She sighed, "I need you too and I'm not someone that says that easily. And I'm definitely not used to someone telling me they need me as well."

Chris chuckled, "I've noticed that. But I do need you darling. Very much so. Couples are meant to lean on each other and right now, we both need that. So don't be afraid to lean and I won't be either. Okay?"

Kara smiled as she nodded, "okay."

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