Chapter 18

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Kara paced in her bedroom for more than an hour when she heard Eddie enter the house to drop off Spencer. She opened the door to her room as Eddie turned to the noise. "Eddie. Can I talk to you?"

He shrugged, looking from Elisa to her. "Of course." She waited until he was in her room, sitting on the edge of her bed with the door shut before she turned to him. "What's the matter love?"

She groaned, "so many things."


She watched him clench his jaw as he said the name but she shook her head, "yes. But not currently. I..." She took a moment before looking him in the eyes, "I find it hard to open up Eddie. But we used to be able to talk about anything and everything."

He sighed, nodding, "I know. You were my best friend before I fell in love with you. I miss that. I miss you. Surely we can be friends again?"

"I want to."

Eddie smiled, "okay. Then talk to me. This about the cop boyfriend?"

"Yes." She sat beside him on the bed, turning to face him. "His ex-wife is pregnant and says it's his kid. I don't think it is and the selfish part of me hopes I'm right. But I love him and if it isn't his kid, he's going to be crushed. And then there's the whole him having a savior complex that I find beyond irritating." Eddie laughed, irritating her, "what?!"

He sighed, "first of all, as far as the baby thing goes, he'll need you either way. You said you love him, so you need to support him no matter what." He heard her sigh as she nodded. "As far as the second part goes, you're by far the strongest person I've ever met. But... maybe you're so mad because you're afraid to need him as much as he needs you to."

She groaned, "I hate you."

He laughed, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her to lay her head on his shoulder, "no you don't. You wouldn't have asked to talk to me if you wanted me to placate you."

"But what if he gets bored. What if he decides I'm to a point that I don't need him and he moves on. He just wants someone to take care of and I don't always want that. His ex-wife was a domestic abuse victim. That's how they met. He obviously has a type for broken women."

Eddie scoffed, pulling away, "then he's broken the cycle, because you are not broken Kara." He stood up from the bed, pulling her to her feet. "Stop it! You're acting like a victim for the first time since I met you. And I've been with you through far worse things than this." He looked down, "are you still cutting yourself?"

She hesitated but nodded, "yes. After this last time with Kyle and then Chris. I've added quite a few since you've seen them."

He sighed, "why do you still do it?"

She shrugged, looking away from him, "because it is a controlled pain that no one can do but me."

He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him, "take up boxing. Get the pain out another way, I beg you. Promise me."

She scoffed, "you have no right to make me promise you anything."

He chuckled, "I know. But you will anyway, won't you."

"I don't forgive you, but I would like to try and be friends again Eddie."

He smiled as he nodded, "me too. I have no illusions that we could ever be together again, but I love you and I meant it when I said I miss you. As my friend."

She nodded, her eyes welling with tears, "me too. And... I promise I will try to find a new way to get the pain out."

"Thank you. I actually have been dating someone for a bit. She has met Spencer a few times. Maybe we could double sometime? I would like you to meet her."

She chuckled, "does she know about our past?"

Eddie nodded, "yes. She knows about you and how Spencer was conceived. She also knows that we used to be super close, even before we started to date."

Kara sighed, "okay. I'll think about it?"

"Thats all I ask."

She heard her phone ring, seeing Scott's name she answered right away. She noticed Eddie watching her as she talked to Scott for a minute before hanging up again. "I have to go. Chris needs me."

He nodded, opening the door to her room, "of course."

She turned back to him, "my car is at his place, can you drive me?"

Eddie shrugged, "sure."

"What's going on?" Elisa came out of the kitchen, standing in the doorway.

She sighed, looking at her sister before kissing her on the cheek. "I'll be spending the night with Chris. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow after work. Okay?"

Elisa nodded, "yeah. Okay. Go on then."

Kara didn't bother knocking when she arrived at Chris's door, letting herself in. She found him on the couch with his head resting back, staring at the ceiling. Neither of them said anything as she climbed into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.

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