Chapter 6

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Kara opened the door for Chris on Sunday just after breakfast. "Hi." She gestured down to her skinny jeans and blouse, "you said casual, this okay?"

Chris nodded, "yeah. It's perfect. You look great." He gave a small wave to Elisa, who was watching them as Kara pulled the door shut, standing on the porch to put on her jacket.

"Sorry about her."

"Don't worry." He laughed, leading her to the car, opening the door for her before climbing into the driver's side. "So the date I planned is not something that I would normally do on a first date, but I thought you'd like it. We'll see."

Kara chuckled, watching him drive, "I'm sure it's fine Chris." She watched him pull into the parking lot of an arcade as he came out and around to open her door for her. "An arcade? Aren't they closed on Sunday?"

Chris nodded as he opened the door. "Yes. But I know the owner, so he left it unlocked for me. He also turned on all the machines so we don't need coins. We just won't get any tickets." He laughed as she smiled.

"Really? I love it!"

He shrugged, "you said you didn't like people in your personal space. So we get the whole place to ourselves for a few hours. What do you want to play first?"

"Um..." She looked around, a little overwhelmed, "air hockey?" She saw him nod, leading her to the air hockey table, "don't go letting me win Evans."

He laughed, "I won't." He smiled as he watched her blue eyes peeking up at him from the other side of the table. After she beat him at air hockey, he suggested skee ball.

She groaned, letting him grab her hand to take her to the skee ball, "I suck at skee ball."

He laughed, watching her try and fail, "you need to keep your arm straight." He stood behind her in front of the lane, "may I?"

Kara nodded, feeling him press his body to her back, resting one hand on her left shoulder, his right hand placing a ball in her right hand. He grabbed the back of her hand, guiding her before allowing her to release the ball, watching it go into the highest goal. "I did it!" She turned to face him as he smiled down at her, "thank you." She grabbed his shirt so he didn't back away as he nodded. "You're very sweet. And this is by far, one of the coolest dates ever."

He nodded, "you're welcome." He brought his hand to her cheek as she continued to look up at him. He felt her wrap her arms around him as she rested her head on his chest. Taking the invitation, he obliged, wrapping his arms around her, holding her to him for a bit before she finally pulled away.

"I feel comfortable around you."

He smiled, "I'm glad." He ran his fingers along her arm, "I wouldn't hurt you."

Kara nodded, "I know. Let's play some more games."

He chuckled, following her around to play more games before she stopped, hungry. He laughed, going to the prize counter where he had a picnic basket. "I did still pack a picnic, but just upgraded the place to have the picnic."

She laughed, following him to a big empty space on the floor as he set down a blanket. "Thanks." She accepted a soda and a sandwich from him. "So can you tell me about the ex-wife?"

Chris groaned, "yeah." He sighed, shrugging, "she was different when we started? After we got married she became more possessive. Didn't like me going anywhere without her or having friends. And god forbid I talk to another woman. We've only been divorced for a few months. Nothing ever seemed to be enough. And she wanted me to quit my job to do private security or something that paid more. But I like my job."

She nodded, "right. She seems a little intense."

He laughed, "you could say that." He watched her for a moment, "and you?"

Kara shrugged, "I mean, possessive, yeah. Probably a bit more aggressive though. I mean, obviously. He came home as I was putting my stuff in the car, making him angry." She looked down at the ground, "during the altercation, I got pushed back onto the coffee table. Lucky to only have the small gash in my leg."

Chris nodded, leaning towards her to grab her chin to make her look at him, "it wasn't your fault. And I would never touch you in a way you didn't want." He smiled as she blushed, "that came out more sexual than I intended, but."

She laughed, "it's fine. I just don't want you to have to deal with my baggage. And your brother certainly doesn't either."

"My brother? What did Scott say?" He dropped his hand as he sat up.

"He implied that I was too damaged to ever be with you. And he's probably right."

He groaned, watching her look back at the ground again. He stood up, pulling her up with him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, making her look at him again, "that's my decision, not his or anyone else's. And I don't see you as damaged." He leaned down towards her, hovering his mouth over hers, "can I kiss you?"

Kara smiled, nodding as she ran her hands up to his neck, "please." She watched him give her a small smirk before making contact with her lips. She felt him pull her closer as his lips delicately cradled hers before he pulled away.

"I know I have a few more dates to plan to make us close to even. Can I start by making you dinner at my place next weekend? Saturday night."

Kara nodded as she gave him a small smile, "I'd like that. And for the record, this is probably the coolest date I've had. So don't worry about making anything even. I just want to get to know you more?"

Chris smiled, "me too."


Chris walked Kara to the door after driving her home, "I'm glad you had a good time. I was a little worried you might think it was dumb."

She laughed, "no. It was really great Chris. I loved it. You're very sweet. Maybe too sweet for me."

Chris shook his head, leaning down to her ear, "I don't always have to be sweet." He kissed the base of her neck, eliciting a small moan as he smiled, pulling back as the front door opened.

Kara groaned as Eddie opened the door, making her separate from Chris. She gestured to Eddie, "Spencer's dad."

"Oh. Hi. I'm Chris." He shook Eddie's hand as he saw a look pass between Eddie and Kara before he walked away. He looked back at Kara, "I guess we can talk about that on Saturday?"

She laughed, "sure."

Chris nodded, "okay. Use my number, yeah?"

Kara nodded, letting out a small giggle, "I will." She leaned up to kiss his cheek before watching him walk away back to his car.

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