Chapter 10

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Chris eventually felt Kara stir from her sleep as he laid next to her with her pulled to his chest. He didn't sleep, or couldn't sleep as he stared at the ceiling. Instead he listened to the steady breathing of her on him, and the small noises she makes while she sleeps.

"You're still here."

He chuckles, rolling to gently pin her onto her back, "where else would I be?"

She shrugged softly as she looked up at him, her hand mindlessly tracing small circles along his chest through his shirt, "I thought I would have scared you away by now."

Chris laughed, "come on. You've met my ex-wife. I can't be scared easily." He saw her only nod, not fully convinced as he sighed. "We should talk though." He leaned on his left side, his head resting on his hand as he pulled the blanket down to her knees. He ran his hand along her left thigh, pulling up the bottom of her shorts slightly as he ran his fingers over the marks where she cut into herself.

Kara groaned, trying to pull the blanket back up but Chris wouldn't let her. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't care." He watched her glare at him, afraid she was going to push him out of bed, but she didn't.

"There you go, being intrusive again." He only shrugs, not moving from his spot as she becomes more and more aware of his hand still on her thigh, his thumb tracing over the straight lines. "I haven't done it in a while."

"I see that. But you want to."

She doesn't lie, but nods. "After this morning, yes. I want to. I want to forget. I want to focus my pain somewhere else."

Chris looks down at the marks before looking back up at her again. He moves his hand up to her waist, pulling her body closer to his. "Is that why you do it? To distract yourself?"

Kara sighs, pulling the blanket back up. "Yes. It grounds me, otherwise I'm afraid the demons will consume me."

After a few minutes of silence, he finally breaks it, asking what he really wanted to even though he was sure he knew the answer. "Why did you start?"

She watches him for a minute before sitting up beside him. She pulled the blanket down to show him the marks again. She placed his hand back on her thigh, running his finger over each one. "Each mark is a different story. Starting with a high school party where I was drugged and assaulted." She heard his sharp intake of air, obviously upset already but she didn't stop as she ran his finger along each mark as she told the story of each one. "Next is the death of my parents. Car accident, drunk driver. Next is when I found out Elisa was pregnant after sleeping with Eddie." She sighed, "and the rest are because of Kyle."

He looked at the marks, there were five designated for Kyle and she wanted to add another one. He didn't say anything, pulling her back to laying down before pulling the blanket back over her. He brought his hand to her cheek, sinking his lips into hers. He knew there were no words he could offer her that would make any sort of difference. But he could distract her in other ways.

Kara gazed up at Chris as he pulled back to look at her. She expected a look of pity, but instead, it was a sort of protective, possessiveness. It sent heat soaring through her as he maintained eye contact with her.

"Let me ground you instead. There's other ways to keep the demons at bay besides self harm."

She nodded as she watched him pull his shirt off over his head, "like what?"

Chris smirked, "pleasure?" He smiles at the small moan from her chest as he pulled off her shirt, pressing his bare chest to hers.

"That's never worked for me."

He only grinned, "that was before me." He grabbed her hands, placing them above her head, "too bad we aren't at my place. I don't have my handcuffs on me. I need you to leave those hands there. And I need you to be quiet, as we aren't alone. You understand?"

Kara nods, gripping onto the headboard as she swallows hard, "yes."

"Good girl." He's highly aware of her eyes on him as he kneels between her legs. He runs his hands up her stomach, palming her breasts as he rubs her already erect and sensitive nipples with his thumbs, eliciting small moans from her as she tries to push into his touch.

She feels him press her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as she groans softly, heat shooting between her legs as she begins to ache for him. She can see him hard in his jeans, pressing against the fly. He roams his hands down to her shorts, looking up at her waiting for her silent permission as she nods. He grins, pulling them down and off, quickly leaving her naked before him. Naked and vulnerable as she feels herself laid bare in more ways than one. His eyes gaze along her body, seemingly taking in the sight as she whimpers.

Chris chuckles at her soft plea, begging him to keep touching her. He doesn't make her wait long, his hands running up her thighs to her hips as he leaned down, running his tongue along her already soaking heat.

She feels his tongue along her folds, again and again. He doesn't seem to be chasing an orgasm, not yet. No, he's just taking his time, thoroughly exploring her with his mouth as she feels her head start to spin. "Chris.." She feels him become more urgent at her plea, eliciting small grunts and groans from him as he runs his tongue along her sensitive clit, teasing it with his tongue and teeth, sending her over the edge.

Chris keeps her pressed firmly to the bed with a hand on her stomach as he feels her writhe under him, stifling her moans as her legs went rigid on either side of his head. He surges to his knees, pulling off his own jeans and boxers, quickly setting his cock free as he entered her quickly. His hand barely made it over her mouth as she moaned into it, making him smile.

He hovers over her, removing his hand from her mouth, replacing it with his mouth as she moaned into his mouth instead, feeling every stroke. She feels him bring his hands up to hers, placing them around his neck as she accepts, clinging to him.

He leaned back slightly, watching her, "again, with me this time baby."

Kara can only nod, already sensitive from the first orgasm, everything heightened. She knew she wouldn't last long, "Chris... don't st.."

Before she can finish her plea, he feels her clenching around him, her back arching to him, making him grunt as he speeds up slightly to catch his own release. She pulls him in, convulsing around him as he presses his mouth back to hers, emptying deep inside her as she clutched onto his back. She eventually went limp under him as he pulled out to lay beside her, both of them out of breath.

She finally rolls to face him, resting her hand on his chest, "thank you."

Chris smiles as he rolls to his side to look at her, "always."

"You going to have sex with me every time I start to slip into a dark place?"


She smiles at his matter of fact answer. It was forceful and possessive and he she knew he meant it completely. She moved her hand to his cheek, just looking at him as he stared back. Their moment was interrupted by her stomach growling, making them both laugh. "I'm hungry."

He nodded, looking at the time, "well it's well past lunch." He stood up from the bed, gathering his clothes as he got dressed. He watched her do the same before she stepped in front of him, placing her hands on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, "you're so beautiful when you come undone for me."

She lets out a small giggle as she leaned up to kiss him softly. "My sister doesn't know about the marks. Please don't say anything."

Chris nods, "sure. At least you told me. Let's get you something to eat."

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