Chapter 23

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Chris opened the passenger door, helping Kara out of the car as they arrived at the yearly police ball his precinct held every New Year's Eve. He watched her place her hand on her stomach, "are you okay?"

She nodded, looking up into his eyes, "yes. I'm just nervous is all. Meeting and interacting with all of your co-workers and what not."

He chuckled, grabbing her hand, "it'll be fine. You look beautiful. Come on."

She sighed and followed him into the building the ball was being held. She followed him to their table where they stood so Chris could introduce her to various people. She was grateful when they could finally sit down to eat dinner as they continued to make small talk. She grinned when she saw Eddie come up to stand behind them at the table. She looked up at him, "what are you doing here?"

"My restaurant is catering. I just came by to say hi."

She stood up to hug him, "well the food is great."

He laughed and pointed to her food, "looks like you've barely touched it."

She sighed, "I'm just feeling a little nervous so my stomach is a little upset is all. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it love. Sit. Enjoy your night. Just save me a dance later?" He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek before shaking Chris's hand.

Kara nudged Chris's shoulder after Eddie left, "did you know he was catering?"

He nodded, "I'm the one that suggested him. Don't tell him though."

She chuckled, "you're very sweet Mr. Evans."

He winked at her as he brought his finger to his lips. "Shh." When they finally made it to the dance floor for their first dance, Chris looked down at her, "are you okay? I know you said you were nervous, but there's something else. What is it?"

She sighed, "sometimes I wish you didn't know me so well."

He chuckled, "I don't. What's the matter?"

"Well, you know I had the miscarriage before.." She watched him nod before she continued. "I forgot to go back to the doctor to get birth control again after it happened. We were working things out and then I moved in and it just slipped my mind."

Chris smiled, "what are you saying? You're pregnant?"

She nodded, "I took a test a few days ago. But I didn't know how to tell you because I didn't know if you would be mad after everything with Jessica and Kyle."

Chris gripped her tighter to him, "mad? Why would I ever be mad Kara? I love you and I want to have kids. Sure it may be sooner than either of us planned, but I'm definitely not mad. I couldn't be happier."

She grinned, "really? Because there's no question that I plan on keeping it."

He laughed, "you better." He leaned down to kiss her as she wrapped both arms around his neck.

"I have an appointment in a few days to check on the baby. Come with me?"

"Of course." He pulled her body closer to his as she rested her head on his chest.

Once the song ended, she pulled away, "I have to go to the bathroom. Go sit, I'll be right back." She saw him nod before she walked away, passing the kitchen to the bathroom. She finished and washed her hands, stopping at the kitchen. She stepped inside, finding Eddie cleaning up with a few other people. "Hey. Dinner really was great."

He smiled and turned to her when he heard her voice, "thanks. Are you okay?"

She nodded, "I'm perfect. And I'm glad you and Chris get along."

He shrugged, "well he's a great guy." He went to say something else but saw someone enter the kitchen from the back entrance, "can I help you?"

Kara turned around and grabbed onto Eddie's hand as she watched Kyle enter the kitchen with a gun. "Kyle? What are you doing here?"

Eddie gestured to the rest of his staff to clear the kitchen as he stood in front of Kara, "Kyle? Are you stupid? The entire building is full of police officers. No doubt my staff will have already alerted them."

Kyle started to push the gun towards them, taking a few steps closer, "I don't care. She needs to know that she can't just walk away from me! We didn't get to finish our conversation before."

Kara sighed, nudging Eddie to the side, coming out from behind him, "Jesus Kyle. It's been almost six months already since I moved to Boston. Don't you think that it's time to move on? I'm not coming back. I'm happy where I am." She tried to remain calm knowing that someone was bound to come in soon. She looked to the side of Kyle to see Chris just outside the door. He gave her a small nod and she looked behind Kyle to see another officer entering quietly behind him.

Kyle shook his head, pointing at Eddie. "Looks like you moved on again already? You just go from guy to guy? If I can't have you, then I'm certainly not leaving you for him or anyone else."

Kara tried to focus on what was happening but everything happened simultaneously. Chris entered the kitchen on the side as the officer behind Kyle went to grab for him. She felt light headed before she heard a shot and she fell to the ground. Chris looked back at Kara and Eddie, seeing them both on the ground with blood around them...

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