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Todoroki cursed quietly, head down, tensed shoulders. 

He knew his father would scold him for using such obscenities but at the moment, he couldn't care less.

Fuck Endeavour and his stupid rules.

Do this, do that, say this, say that, don't do this, don't do that, don't say... aaaah, it'd take years to memorise all these stupid dos and don'ts of a hero's son and worthy successor. 


At this moment, Shouto did not feel worthy of anything.

And, if finding himself in the city centre (where he went to vent off after a not-very-elegant fight over his life restrictions and buy some stupid stuff he doesn't need anyway) with his only debit card frozen by his father (nice one, big applause for the Father Of The Year), it started raining. Not like a light, romantic rain with rainbows and such. A heavy cats and dogs rain that leaves you wet and questioning the sense of your pitiful existence. Too bad the shop Shouto visited (just to be kindly asked to leave upon finding out his golden card is frozen, what a humiliation...) was closing, and the boy had nothing to do but stay outside, trying to curl his body under a tight roof.

Yes, he could take a bus to go back to his huge Todoroki mansion. He could, probably, take a metro too.

Has he ever taken a bus on his own? Or a metro, to be precise? Or even a train?



He was Todoroki Shouto, after all, with his aristocratic ass being driven by a limo, or - at very least - by some high-end taxi he managed to organise last-minute by calling a phone number given to him by his family's chauffeur. 

Damn, the boy probably doesn't even know that Uber exists. 

Uber? Some new urban lifestyle brand? 


-Fucking Endeavour and his fucking money... I don't need that shit anyways... I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself... I'm not 10 anymore... 

Whether Shouto believed his own words or not, it wasn't important. The boy decided he had enough of standing like a weirdo and headed towards the nearest train station he could think of.

It was Tuesday evening and the streets were basically living their own life, forcing the poor teen to stumble here and there, to squeeze his backpack to his chest uncomfortably, to change the way he swore he knew by heart three times - it turns out it's easier to find a way when you're in a taxi with GPS and someone to drive, who could have guessed?! 

Not to mention Shouto didn't eat anything since lunchtime, as the whole stupid discussion started as soon as he crossed the entrance door. Well, at least he thought to carry his backpack with him, in case he would not get home before tomorrow. He might have beef with his stupid father and such but he has been an exemplary A+ student for the last 3 months (since the U.A. school year started) and he had no intention of missing school the following day. 

Talk about being a responsible adult he is.






As he arrived at the final destination, the utter humiliation of Endeavour proving his point ached Shouto a little less.

Ok, so maybe he did tell his father that he's an adult (I mean, he's technically 15-yo but he did enter the U.A, didn't he?! OK, so maybe he did enter the prestigious hero school on a recommendation and under his father's pressure, but he did nonetheless) just to have his dependency shoved to his face rather painfully.

Ok, so maybe he did yell that he needed nothing from his despotic, abusive, shitty father.

Ok, so maybe he did tell that he'd rather be born in a poor family where he had, at least, something to tell regarding his future.

Ok, so maybe he did leave his mansion slamming the door loudly.

His father just didn't understand. 


He didn't understand that his teenage son needed space, privacy, and the right to nurture his own opinions and follow his own dreams, eventually, once he'd figured out what he wanted from life. Maybe the whole ordeal would be shaken off as a teenage rebel knows best issue if not for the fact that Shouto had a very valid reason to feel fully dependent on his father.

He was Enji's little project, after all. 

A faceless ticket to Todoroki's name's glory, no matter the tiny tiny cost of Shouto's humble opinion on how his life should look like. Figuring who he is? Making future plans? Having friends? Funny. Silly motivational crap fed to the masses by the real leaders of this world. Leaders like Enji Todoroki. 

A little project that entered the prestigious U.A. and got really close to winning the acclaimed sports festival, just to act in spite of his father and refuse to use his great power. His fire-based power. His biggest value in this merciless pro hero market full of hero wannabes, nepotic rip-offs and ordinary from-zeroes-to-heroes. 

The last Enji's project didn't finish well. One could say that failure cost him his son - if one wanted to be dramatic. It just so happened to add to the budget of the project a little extra cost, such as wounded familiar relations, deep disrespect from his kids, mental illness of his wife. Enji could understand that Toya heavily pushed back on becoming the Todoroki Number One. But why should Shouto be so strong-headed? Doesn't he have two strong quirks that everyone should be jealous of, good control over them, and a glorious future in front of him? 




Shouto took off his wet uniform, unfortunately, permeable. He barely saw anything around, with these long damp hair of his, and started shaking a little.

What a way to spend one's Tuesday afternoon, right?

He didn't regret all the harsh things he accused his father of, but... damn, he should have done it after having checked the fucking weather!!!

He rushed forward as soon as he spotted a miraculously empty part of a bench, happy to rest his feet for a moment, just to be called by someone from behind.


-Todoroki? Is this... Of course, it's you, what a stupid thing to say. I mean... What the fuck are you doing here, Todoroki? 

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