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A fire?! A smoke?! A telepathic message that the camp has been under attack and every student has to get back to safety and is allowed to use their quirks as a defence?!

Now, that was too much!!! 

- Where are you going, Bakugou?! Didn't you hear we're under attack?!

Shouto was trying his best to remain collected but he couldn't. 

All he wanted right now was to get back to the camp, to discover that the remaining students who stayed behind for additional studies are unharmed. He wished to see it with his own eyes, he wished for them to be safe so much.

He has a confession to make and no crappy villains should interfere with a teenager's love life, okay?????!!!!!

- Exactly! Finally, some real villains to fight! I was stuffed with this class B crap anyways!

- You can't just go head-on to fight villains! Not after...

Not after we heard that you're their target, Shouto wanted to add, panting, as the two were running amidst the trees towards the camp to regroup and report to Aizawa-Sensei. It was too much for Shouto, carrying an injured class B student, worrying about Bakugou luring the villains (what did this guy do this time), and worrying about Hero who could be very much dying alone in a study room right now.

- Not a word, IcyHot! I dare them! I want to fight! I want to...

Bakugou didn't finish his sentence, interrupted by a villain, Moonfish, who was just asking for some kick-ass fight.

Luckily enough, as soon as Deku, Tokoyami, Shoji, Tsu, Uraraka, Bakugou and Shouto (carrying an injured Tsuburaba) found each other, Shouto's heart was filled with hope. Looks like the villains' scope isn't to terminate everyone on their way, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many of them standing. Maybe the ones left in the camp would be safe, after all?

Shouto didn't lose a second as he followed the Bakugou Escort Squad determined to save their explosive friend from any harm.

He was hopeful that they could do it. 

That they could, thanks to their excellent teamwork and strong quirks, save the day.

They didn't do it. 

They didn't save the day.

Shouto was sick at the thought of losing Bakugou to the villains so easily. He had one job, damn it! Screw the injuries, screw the pain and overfatigue, screw everything, he was supposed to save him! 

They nearly did it - they fought Moonfish, calmed Dark Shadow down, fought Mr Compress, battled against many villains at once, attempted to trick Mr Compress (ok, that was Shoji and it was amazing), they nearly did it!


If only Shouto didn't screw up.

The exhausted teenagers dragged one foot after another, exasperation flooding their veins, tears shining in their eyes.

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