35. - Epilogue

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- Dad, I'm leaving!

- Don't stay too late, don't stuff your mouth, always check if there's greens in your teeth, say hello to Sero from me, have a great date! I love you, son!

Shouto grinned, his heart pumping blood at double speed, as he headed towards the parking.

Was he going to be a little selfish and capitalise on a new wave of parental care of Enji, requesting the best limo they've had at their disposal?

For his Hero?



- Mums, I'm leaving!

- Don't be too late, hun! Be a gentleman, keep your hands to yourself! Oh, oh, and remember what I taught you! Make sure that the condom is on the right sid...

- Yeah, no, bye, and also, never talk to me again!

Hanta slammed the door, absolutely done with his mothers' silly comments.

He missed the constant teasing greatly, especially after enduring a heavy atmosphere at the hospital during Erina's visits. He recalled his shock when she visited for the first time - a challenge to recognise her, with her unnaturally slim body and strays of grey hair here and there.

But, let's be honest, no matter how much he loves his mothers, sometimes...Alice is just too much.

Hanta still has no idea how she and Shouto can vibe so perfectly.

Their dynamic is just something else.

What the actual fuck.  

- Wow, Todoroki...  You've come all the way here?!

Hanta beamed upon seeing his date, Shouto Todoroki, standing in front of the building and playing with his phone. 

Shouto's clothes were neat but kinda rich kid street style, as opposed to groomed and classy Sero a la classy sassy chic by Erina. They looked at each other in awe, Shouto concluding that a mischievous fairy tale swapped their wardrobes this morning, on the day of their date

- Did you really think I'd let my date walk all the way to the town on his own?! 

The other boy frowned, leading his Hero toward a long black limo parked nearby, earning a couple of curious glimpses here and there. Sero boy, this Sero boy, the one and only son of the Lorry Ladies, the one who spent half a year in the hospital?! Entering a limo?!

Hanta knew better than glimpsing up, to see his mothers peeking through the curtains, placing bets on Shouto opening the door for his little fighter - like a real gentleman he is (Erina won). 

- So... How you feeling? - Shouto asked, once Hanta rested his crutches next to the limo window, and they both sat comfortably, not too far not too close to each other. 

- Just peachy! In four to five months, I'll be able to retake the U.A. exam and try again. Aizawa Sensei invited me to extra-curricular lessons he gives to Shinsou, you know, since the brain dude officially took my place in 1A... But he still needs extra training to catch up to guys like you. I don't have that much to show off just yet so I mostly focus on strengthening my quirk from my wheelchair, but I'll get back to shape, I promise! I can totally walk without these stupid old people sticks but I promised Erina I'd take them because, well, you know...

I'll Ask You out. Tomorrow. (Seroroki MHA)Where stories live. Discover now