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- Oh come on now, when will I get another time to tease our tape boy? - Alice pouted.

- Once he's back. Come here, love. - Erina gently hugged Hanta and kissed his forehead. - Have a safe trip. Say hi to Shouto.

- I will, mum, I will...



The bus trip was quite uneventful, at least per classes' 1A and 1B standards.

Shouto felt an urge to hug Hero and tell him that everything would be fine, though he had no idea why he would want it. Probably the side effect of too many rom-coms binge-watched as a sign of full-blown rebellion against nothing matters but training lifestyle

He analysed past events over and over again, looking for something that would push Hero towards Yaoheyletmehelpyouwithmathyorozu, never reaching any logical conclusion. 

Facing Hero head front was the only option.

Hanta sat with his friends, goofing around and listening to Kaminari's crazy stories. He was grateful for the trio who kept him distracted enough to not sulk over his crush being totally out of his reach. Things must be running smoothly in the Love Department for Todoroki because the boy stopped paying attention to Hanta a couple of days ago. 'Did he look at me to emulate my style and now he's happily dating a girl? Did he use me as a template on how to be more social or something? Does he actually like me, or was I just a prop?'

Luckily, none of them had enough time to draw stupidly comical conclusions because Wild Wild Pussycats stopped the bus and instructed the heroes in training to take it from there. 

For the next few hours, there was nothing but screams, tears and lots of sweat. 

Until it didn't - until everyone safely dragged themselves to a secluded area in the heart of the forest where they would spend the next days training their quirks.

It was easy for Hanta to keep avoiding Todoroki, given how rarely Bakusquad and Dekusquad engaged, keeping the two leaders as separate as possible (for the last thing everyone wanted was bloodshed at the summer camp).

It was too difficult for Shouto to ask Hero about his distant behaviour. 

Stupid Midoriya and Stupid Bakugou for their beef standing between him and the love of his life.



So, of course, Shouto learnt that the crush and love of one's life are usually two different concepts in sociology. He read a whole Wikipedia page about love and enamourment in the XXIst century culture. But, he also knew that no one among his classmates possessed a mind-reading quirk so he was free to use any naming convention he fancied. 

Because fuck it.

- Sleep well because tomorrow we start for real. - Aizawa instructed and no one was lucid enough to quarrel.


The next day, from the very morning, both classes 1A and 1B were training hard, aiming to improve their quirks. Finally, the students were allowed to unleash their full potential and go beyond Plus Ultra, as everyone expected them to do.

Vlad King informed the students that for their benefit, after their individual training sessions, they would train in pairs on a rotation basis. He would pair students from class A with the ones from class B, so they would learn something new.

After bone-breaking individual sessions and lunch, two classes stood in front of each other in two beautiful lines.

- Let's start. Todoroki Shouto, Yanagi Reiko, step out, please. I want you, Todoroki, to train your flame on the quickly moving objects. Your scope is to burn them before they fall. Yanagi, I count on you to give your best when it comes to speed. You can carry a lot but you're not nimble enough to make things fly at a satisfactory velocity, making them easy to dodge. Your goal is to act so quickly that Todoroki can't burn the objects on time. The next pair is...


Hanta followed with his gaze as Todoroki and his female version headed towards an open area where multiple items were randomly placed. He noticed the way Yanagi looked at Todoroki, the subtle interest in the other and oh my god did she really check his ass out?! Yes, she did. Hanta wouldn't blame her because, in all honesty, who would pass on such a feast?! 

The girl whispered something (super extra Author's ear that reaches every conversation reports: 'How about we just kill each other, I'd rather die than eat the same food they poisoned us with yesterday...') earning a playful smile from her partner. Not one of 38 pairs of curious eyes missed Ice Prince smiling and poking the girl on her shoulder.

And then...

- Do you think it's her?

- I can't think of a better match than a gloomy, always tired emo for...

- ... a gloomy, always tired e...

- Kirishima, Uraraka, if you don't stop mumbling up there, you'll get the cooking shift.

- Apologies, Aizawa-Sensei!


Stupid gossipers and their stupid ideas.

Stupid gossipers and their stupid ideas that could be right.


- Sero Hanta, you will be training with Kodai Yui. Kodai, I don't want to see small objects turning big, I want you to focus on your strategy and creativity. I know you can change the size of any object but I want to see you using your head over the simple pony trick. I want you to find what will distinguish you from tens of people with a similar quirk. Sero's skill will allow him to move quickly in the air, he will try to tape your objects and push them against you anytime, he can even tape your hands so you can't use your quirk.

- Are you trying to solve my homework for me, Sensei?

- I absolutely do. But I want you, Sero, to come up with more. Not one of you two must rely solely on your quirk's basics. Explore them in any way you want. Just don't get killed.


From afar, Shouto observed as Hero enthusiastically followed a classically hot chick, beaming at her way too much, showing off his long, muscled arms and quirky elbows.

At some point, the stupid bitch dared touch the area from where Sero shoots his tape.

That was enough to piss Todoroki off, sending a huge flame towards poor Yanagi who dodged it in the very last millisecond.




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