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Shouto's eyes filled with spontaneous tears, upon realising how close he was to never say these things out loud.

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- I'm sorry, I'm soooo bad at this. I... Ugh... Hero, do hic you wanna... ugh... go out s-sometimes, maybe? With m... me? For... sniff sniff... a date?

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- You... You want to go out... with me?

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Shouto frowned upon hearing Hero's whisper. 

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- Hey, no talking. Just nod. 

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Hanta nodded as requested, still pretty convinced that it was just a dream. It might be the craziest one of all crazy-hazy dreams he was having these days but damn if it wasn't the nicest! 

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- Good boy. I mean... yes, do as I say. Oh... 

- Why... 

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It was a nice dream to have, yes. If it was a reality - even better. But Hanta couldn't help but let his semi-closed eyes travel towards the scars on his forearms and torso, long, vertical lines trailing up to his mid-tighs, giving an impression of his body being marked by a flame whip. Something that even the puffiest of winter jackets wouldn't fully cover, as the marks trailed up to his neck. Something he'll have to look at day by day, trying to convince himself that it could be worse and it's like a badass tattoo but way cooler (Alice's words).   

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- Why? Because that's what people do with their crushes, right? I read about it on Reddit and I'm supposed to tak...

- Why me

- Oh.... Hero. 



How can Hero ask stuff like that, isn't it obvious he's the best boy and Shouto always aims for the best?! (And also yes, he does spend too much time with Bakugou)

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- Look at me, Shouto... - Hanta whispered, barely producing any sound, but moving his mouth clearly enough for Shouto to understand - I won't... I won't come back to 1A. I'm out of the game. It'll take months to get back to shape. My body is a fucking crisp and I'm...

- Is MY FACE a fucking crisp? ... Let me repeat: does MY FACE look like a fucking crisp to you?! 

Hanta semi-closed his eyes, focusing his gaze on Shouto. Five days have passed since he woke up and during this time, he trained his primary sensorial functions, although it still cost him an extra effort. 

- You... Shouto, you're a whole fucking restaurant...

- Funny thing, Miss Alice said the same and I even don't know what that means. Do you want to say I look like barbequed meat

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Hanta couldn't help but giggle, spitting some saliva mixed with blood via his mouth's corners, which made Shouto panic. Damn you, Recovery Girl! Stop getting old!

- You know what, don't answer that. I'll second-guess that maybe you don't think so. 

And it's good because I don't think so about you either. You are marked by scars, yes, similar to mine but look how you gained them - you launched yourself to protect your classmates, you blocked Kirishima from getting hurt, can one be more suitable for a hero course than you?! - Shouto raised his voice, feeling a wave of passion - And... I hope you won't laugh at what I'm about to say but.. you're not less pretty than earlier. Red suits you, you know? And... - Shouto decided to use the ultimate weapon to crush his opponent, that being Hero's low self-esteem - Aoyama blabbered about your crush. You're exposed, dude. So you better close this pretty mouth and accept my date offer. I planned to take you out and no stupid insecurities of your hot ass will stop me now. 

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