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'My poor Deku, if you only knew how complicated life gets once you fall in love... especially if your future husband doesn't even know you're gonna get married because he's fucking barbequed... but, I guess, you're not mature enough for that...'





After six excruciatingly long days, Shouto had more than enough of being patient. 

He's often been patient because he didn't really care about the outcome. This time though, he finally - FINALLY - did! And he was so close!

The boy wiped his forehead as he entered the hospital after a long break.

How astonished he felt once he saw Miss Alice sitting there, alone.


- Shou, sweetheart, shouldn't you be at school?

- Good afternoon, Alice. I should be.

- ... Soooo...???

- But I'm here.

- Yes, I noticed you're h... Oh, never mind. I guess you wanted to check on Hanta?

Shouto took a moment to answer. 

He wasn't sure why he skipped class and opted for a hospital visit instead. 

He knows Hero won't wake up only because he really wants it

He hoped that saving Bakugou would fill his karma allowance to buy himself a brand new husband but apparently, it doesn't work like that. And for that, he felt tricked. 


- I'm not sure... I just can't stay at school anymore. Can't stay in the dorms. Wherever I am, I feel out of place. There's this guy in my class, he said... that Hero has a crush. It left me fuming inside. And guess what?! Guess what he said when I asked who that would be?!

- Oh Shou, my little bean... - Alice couldn't help but smile wholeheartedly at the innocence she was witnessing. So different from the way she handles these things with her son! - Yes, go on my love, tell me who is it.



Shouto sighed seriously, not noticing how hard it was for his companion to not burst in laughing. 

- The guy said it's me.

- ... No way...

- I know, right?! - Shouto stood up, still not fully believing his own words. - Like, how is it possible, look at me! I'm a mess, I don't know what I'm doing 90% of the time (true), and I look like...


Shouto's hand travelled to his scar.

Alice frowned at how low the self-esteem of THE Todoroki is, and how his parents fucked it up. They had one job to do!


- Look, sweetheart, you are perfectly fine, I bet there are at least a dozen people who crush on you too! ... But choose my son, he's the best one.

- Yeah, I know.

- Good.

- So... You think... it might be true, then?

- Believe me. I'm his mother. I know it's true.

And thanks to that answer, Shouto felt as light as a feather. 

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