Autor's Note II

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Hello there, my Dear Reader!

What's up?! 


Thank you so much for accompanying me on the Seroroki Summer Journey! 

It's been a real pleasure for me to explore some summery teen fic and I hope you had as much fun as I did, writing it and sharing it with you. 

‎ ㅤ

Afterword and a couple of points: 

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- Yes, I know I am leaving some open threads, such as Dabi & Endeavour. But it was never my intention to explain the whole MHA in this fic <3

- Sero's burns/condition - I am not a doctor so if my description of what happened isn't 100% accurate, then sorry. You're reading fanfic, not a medical report <3 

- Anyone knows where did I take secondary characters' names from? <3

- Yes, I did use a candy cane pic for the afterword. I'm learning swag from Sero The Swag King.

- Fasten your seatbelts because I do have something very special prepared for you in the backlog! It will be a Monoshin angst story titled 'Tell Me The Truth' that takes place in '27 and Counting' Universe so if you want to follow that too (I promise it'll be worth it, I'm so confident in it!), you're very welcome to check '27 and Counting' to have some context. It's not necessary but it's more than recommended, as 'Tell Me The Truth' will reveal some characters' backstory! Also, I'm all Dadzawa & Pops Mic Team so get prepped for some adopted love <3 <3 <3 

Mind that both Adult Katsuki Bakugou and Monoshin stories are marked MATURE so be advised - there'll be triggering content (all kinds of emotions, actions, and bodily fluids). If you're a minor, just add it to your reading list and wait until you're sure you can read about depression, homophobia, loss, etc.

- Let me know if you have any requests/ships/genres you'd like me to try. I cannot promise anything as I mostly write following a spark of a random idea but I can check your proposition and give it a thought. I wouldn't have created these 2 stories if iguessimanonymous didn't request Seroroki and Monoshin oneshots (which then both spiralled into over 30 chapters' pieces) so who knows, maybe I'll get my head around your idea :) I have some Aizawa and Kaminari centred drafts in the queue so who knows!

- Again, I'll be super happy if you vote/comment/share on your profile/support me in any way <3 I'm not very good with promotion, my fics are niche and I don't have any platforms other than this one so all support is much appreciated <3 

‎ ㅤ


🔥❄️ PZK  🔥❄️

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