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Shouto wanted nothing more than to see Sero Erina and Sero Alice who were sitting there, waiting - no, more like hoping - for their only son to wake up... to see them.

To hold their hands.

To tell them they're not alone.

To tell them that they're not the only people waiting.

And hoping. 

The light on the corridor was dim but it was enough for Shouto to notice three silhouettes, two of them sitting on hospital chairs, one walking around in small circles. 

As soon as he came closer, his guts twisted in pain. Miss Erina's face looked horrible - there were tears' stains that left some mascara residue decorating prominent bags under her eyes, her nose was red, her lips were semi-open like she had trouble breathing through the nose and her body was doing its best to keep her alive. 

The man sitting next to her looked no less miserably. Shouto slowed down at his steps, second-guessing his choice. 

Maybe it was a familiar moment. Maybe he had no right to be here. 

- ... - Shou... Is that you? - Miss Alice haltered in her steps, inviting him with her hand to come closer. 

- I... I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb... I just...

- No, no, don't worry about it. - Despite the immense pain in her heart - or maybe because of it - she motioned him to come closer and hugged him tightly. 

Shouto never forgot how well it was to be hugged by her, how at ease he felt around, joking with Hero and Miss Alice at the table, all giddy and carefree. How long ago it seemed now! 

- I'm glad you're here, sweetheart. - She added. - You see, I keep repeating to Erina that our little fighter will get up pretty soon, after all, he has a room to clean, you know? He left such a mess when we has packing his... lug...luggage...

It didn't take long for the lady to break down. Although she didn't shed a tear, she just froze mid-sentence, as if her brain wasn't capable of processing the whole story.

Thankfully, he was there to offer her a shoulder to hide her face onto, to keep her standing, to caress her back. 

- You must be the boy Hanta spends time with. Are you two friends? 

Shouto glimpsed at the man sitting next to Miss Erina. He was similar to her, probably a relative, but his aura was less welcoming than of other Sero family members. 

The atmosphere was grim and heavy, Shouto felt like he might start breathing through his mouth too, given he was already stressed by the situation and the presence of a man who looked like his father didn't help. Not similar in terms of physical features like red hair and pissed face, but due to an aura of confidence and solemn, threatening seriousness. Something that Hero, Miss Alice and Miss Erina lacked, and Shouto loved them for it. He scanned his memory, looking for any moments when he felt so uncomfortably in a Sero family presence but no - it never happened. Until now.  

- Sero Akira, Erina's older brother. Apologies, I should have introduced myself. 

- No, my sincere apologies, I should have introduced myself first. I'm Todoroki Shouto, and yes, Hanta invited me to his place to learn maths...

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