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- So, can we go to your place?


-... Yes, sure. In two hours, after I've finished my shift. 



As soon as Hanta's shift was over, the two teenagers strolled down to take the tube towards Sero's apartment. He had to lend Todoroki some cash and instruct him how to pass the tube entrance and not get stuck. Shouto would find this adventure quite funny, if not for the fact that a mere garlic bun and a mug of hot choco were nothing near the food amount his young, strong body needed to function.

But he didn't want to be rude and followed Sero by walking into an overcrowded (and incredibly stinky) metro train, then out, and then somewhere among ugly, kinda crooked, poor-looking flats with littered sidewalks. This place could serve as a ground delta for practical exams. 

- You're lucky my mum left me some extra cash for having done well on the chemistry test last week, otherwise we'd be fucked! - Hanta broke the silence.

At first, he feared it'd be socially awkward to walk with All Mighty Todoroki Shouto, especially in his unusual state, you know 'run away from home' state but he quickly found his fear to be pointless.


In fact, he felt very comfortable around the other teen and his silence.

Normally, Hanta's calm came from being laid back and a little uncaring, whilst Shouto's one came from being very anxious and self-aware. Yet, when left alone and outside of the U.A. walls, the two naturally balanced each other's inner peace. They didn't speak because they didn't have to, they didn't feel like they had to, and it was just awesome.


- What do you mean by that?

- I mean we're gonna partyyyyy!!! - Sero yelled, marching towards a shady building which turned out to be a grocery store.

Ugh. The smell was so unpleasant to Todoroki's sensitive nose that he felt an urge to turn back and leave the place. He watched incredulously as Sero took a frozen pizza '3 formaggi' and a jar of chocolate ice cream from the freezer which, probably, was shut down for at least a decade.

- It's my absolute fave but if you want, I can let you decide, you're my guest of honour today, after all.

Shouto couldn't help but laugh, earning a surprised look on Sero's face (Holy fuck, Todoroki just laughed! Like, for real! With sounds and stuff!). He's been a guest of honour plenty of times. This was the first one, though, when he was asked to decide on something. Wow.

- I'll trust your judgement. - he said, content with his smoothness and public communication expertise.




Luckily, the way from the store to Sero's apartment was only 10 minutes long and soon both boys entered it, leaving their wet blazers and shoes in a tiny, dark hallway.

- Welcome to my place, Todoroki Sir! - Sero beamed, not at all bothered by the obvious discrepancy between the social and material statuses of the two.

Not that he didn't know. He saw Todoroki's clothes' labels in the changing room and the gold card, and the limo that was sometimes in front of the school, and he knew Endeavour to be a rich badass too.

Yet, he was just so content with his life, that he knew better than comparing the second-hand sweaty t-shirt he used under the apron to whatever fucked up childhood the other one got served as a cost of the Gucci polo.

- Ok, so usually it's not that messy but I SWEAR to all gods that exist that I totally and for real will clean this. - he said, leading Todoroki to the small room with the name 'HANTA SERO CEO OF SWAG' sprayed on the door with red paint.


Was it vandalism or street art? 

Could it be street art, if executed at home?!

- Here's my bed, obviously, you can use it for today. Here's my desk, just leave your books here, and give me your backpack and other stuff, I'll hang it in the bathroom to dry.

- I don't have any other clothes... - Todoroki sighed, feeling vulnerable and pretty much exhausted. 

- No worries, dude, I've got you covered. - Sero laughed again.


Is it true that since his mothers' schedules got aligned he's been feeling a little bit lonely, especially when he got home after the sports festival, just to find an empty flat? 

Is it true that he's wanted to invite some classmates for a long time but he just couldn't find the correct words to do so, without coming off as desperate? 

Is it true he's not a fan of the darkness and is *afraid* of sleeping alone, always letting a lamp on his nightstand turn on at night? 

No one will ever know.



Sero nonchalantly threw a big blue shirt and a pair of black sweatpants in Todoroki's direction, laughing at Todoroki's failed attempt to catch both items at the same time.

- There's a red towel in the bathroom and an extra toothbrush. Technically speaking, there are seventeen toothbrushes so pick your fave colour but don't leave it next to mine - mine's blue - or I'll mess things up. Don't ask me why seventeen, my mum loves buying in bulk. Be careful with the faucet, it's a little bit leaky, don't let the water run for too long or we'll have a flood problem. Leave your damp clothes in there, I need to hang them up. Let me know once you're done, I'll prep some food in the meantime. Sounds good?

Todoroki just nodded, minded-absently. What could he say? He got bombarded with way too much information at once and his head was spinning.

He wanted to make a stupid comment about how Sero asked him to inform him about the finished shower - there are literally five tiny rooms in the apartment: hallway, Sero's room, a closed room which Shouto concluded was Sero's parents' bedroom, and a living room/kitchenette all together, with the bathroom door just next to Sero's. Of fucking course Sero would know once Todoroki's finished unless there's a hidden extra door in the bathroom leading to Narnia.

Thankfully, Shouto is a gentleman, so he just skipped to the bathroom, happy that he wasn't asked to prepare the food. 

That would be a disaster everyone was better off avoiding at all costs. 

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