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You told me I should confess to my crush. I said I'd do it tomorrow. The next day. I... I didn't. And now...

And now... I can't. My crush is sleeping. And I'm not sure he'll wake up. I'm not sure I'll get a chance to tell him.

To tell him that I love him. 

- Dad? Can you... say something? Anything? ...


... Please?


Shouto was prepared for yelling, for getting kicked out from the house (ensured by Miss Alice that they'd take him under their wing, whatever a conversation with Endeavour might entail), for getting hit, maybe. He wasn't prepared for a heavy silence that fell down at the two as soon as he finished his sentence. 

A minute. 

Two minutes. 

Ten minutes and Todoroki Enji said nothing, sitting still, with a fork in his hand, as if he forgot how to breathe. 

The old man bluescreened and that was about his final answer for the day. 

- I'll be in my room if you need me. 


Shouto whispered and left, glimpsing once more at his father who was now staring mindlessly at the wall. 

Looks like he broke Enji. 


He has never seen his father keeping his mouth shut for so long!

'I told him I love your son and I think I broke him. Will keep you posted. If I don't contact you before tomorrow morning, let's say around 10 a.m. because I might be sleeping, just know that I'm dead and my body is buried under the oak. I'm 80% sure that's where my father buries dead bodies. I sat there once, to read a book, and I got diarrhoea. I'm pretty sure it's the ghosts talking. Anyways. I'll update you before tomorrow. PS This is Shouto.' 


Shouto is not the expert in texting but he is trying, okay? 

At least he's cool enough to get his crush's mother's number. How many can achieve that?!







- Good morning, Shouto. 

- Damn, so you know how to talk. 

- I'm sorry about yesterday. I...

Thankfully, Shouto woke up in one piece, not being killed and buried under the oak by his father.

At first, he waited patiently for the other one to stomp into his room, but Enji just sat there in silence, then went to the kitchen to clean the dishes and throw the rest of the lasagne into the bin. 

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