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Miss Sero just called

Todoroki Shouto


- I'm sorry, please don't cry...

- I'm sor...ry, I d-don't... - Shouto tried apologising but before he could finish, a pair of delicate but strong arms closed him in a tight, warm embrace.


- Just great mum, you made my tutor cry. How do I pass the test now?

Hanta rolled his eyes, purposely not looking in Todoroki's direction. 

He didn't have to confront him to learn gossip about his fucked up childhood and how he got the nasty scar.

- How about, before thinking about maths, you think about your empty bellies? You must be starving!

Shouto didn't stop tearing a little when he washed his hands, and when he officially presented himself to Miss Erina (whom he deemed so beautiful!), and when he took off his uniform, and when they all sat down to eat Miss Erina's Special Dish: vegetable lasagne with courgette and carrots. Everyone at the table ignored his bizarre emotional state and kept cracking jokes about how Hanta was bad at maths and maybe someone would finally positively influence this poor boy. And teach him not to leave stinky socks and sticky tissues around. 

And, if that wasn't enough, the food was great. 

Really, really yummy.

- You were right. Your mum did prepare something yummy. - Todoroki mumbled after eating in silence for a while.

- That's what I said! Mum, so, when are we getting ice cream?

- Don't talk with your mouth full, how old are you, 5 or 15? Oh, speaking of! Shouto, I totally MUST show you the photos of Hanta when he was a little boy, you're gonna lov...

- Mum, can we exchange a word in private?

- What about NO?! 

Shouto looked in bewilderment as Miss Sero Alice, the younger and more relaxed one of the two ladies, used her spoon as a catapult to throw a piece of carrot in Hanta's direction. Was Shouto... allowed to... laugh? 

He felt lucky that the other parent, Miss Erina, was a little more merciful and... civil. 

- Cut the poor boy some slack Alice, don't you see our little little virgin boy is blushing? 

Take it back. 


- After Todoroki's out, I am giving you both AN INTERVENTION. 

Hanta semi-yelled, throwing a pea in his mum's direction. He looked flustered but nothing near the amount of embarrassment Todoroki or Midoriya would have to embrace (ok, Midoriya would be probably dead by now, Shouto mildly confused and ready to never leave his room again). 

Shouto understood that Sero was somehow used to the continuous teasing of his cheerful mothers and expected it today too. Just like this was their love language, their bond, something the teenager desired for himself. 

- Sure, whatever, we can have an intervention. After we have a sex talk. Did you guys know that if you put a condom inside out, it might slip during sex and expose you to pregnancy and unwanted diseases?! Also, we should totally talk about which size you want me to buy for you, I'm not letting you buy these things, I'm sure you'd go for the edible ones the sweet tooth you are, they're cancerogenic. Also, if you wanted...





-... I like the sauce. Did you make it yourself, Erina?

- Yes, I'm glad someone noticed, Shouto! I simply mixed sour cr...

- Wait. Wait. - Miss Alice raised her hands, much to horror written on Hanta's face. Not her again! - Hold on everyone. - she looked around. - Was it only my impression or did you, or did you not, call Shouto per his last name earlier, son?

- I guess we have never hit the first name base. - Hanta murmured, blushing. 



Why was he blushing?!

Oh, right. His lovely mums who decided to shatter his C.E.O. OF SWAG title once and forever. 


- No, it can't be. - Alice stood up - From this moment forward, I pronounce you, Hanta and Shouto, first name buddies.

- If that's fine with everyone at the table, I'd like to, going forward, call Sero... Hero. - ('my Hero' - Shouto's brain decided for himself)

- Oooooh, that's so swee...

- Can I have some more lasagne, please? 

- How about you go there and take some yourself, my sweetheart, and bring the napkins once you're in the kitchen. 

And so, Shouto followed the instructions. He was a little bit clumsy when self-serving, but loved every moment of being treated just like Hanta would be. So much that he nearly wished to get attacked by flying veggies too. And being teased by the two ladies he felt more at ease with than with his own family, despite knowing them for merely an hour.

- We're going to study in my room. 

- No problem, hun, just leave the door semi-open, you barely hit the first name base yet. 

- Be a good boy like we raised you, baby!

And just like that, after ignoring embarrassing comments of Se... Hero's lovely mums, Shouto found himself immersed in the world of algebra for the next two solid hours. 

And it was great. 

Turns out, Hanta eventually understood the logic behind the letters. All Shouto had to do was adjust the storytelling. Instead of 'equations', he used the word 'quests', he hid the letters with tiny colourful sticky notes and explained to Hero that they were missing gems that led to a treasure. Hanta solved half of their homework in no time, duh! he even challenged the final boss (an exercise with a star)! 

- Knock knock, how are you doing, guys? What about a little break? 

- We have just started, Alice, let us study more... 

- What are you saying, nerd, I can't hear you! Come on, boys, what about you join us for a little ice cream treat and Comedy Central, and then Erina gives Shouto a lift? 

And so the boys did. 

Shouto was amazed at discovering that neither Miss Alice nor Miss Erina checked their homework and encouraged them to work more. In fact, they mocked Hero for becoming a nerd too. 

Hanta was amazed at discovering that Shouto was the king of comedy impro and he vibed so well with his mum Alice that one could proclaim them spiritual twins. 

That's why, when Miss Erina mentioned it was getting late and Endeavour was waiting for his son, Shouto had a hard time hiding his disappointment. 

- Are you having problems at home, darling? Something I can help you with? - Miss Erina inquired softly, once in the car. 

- Nothing you could do, Erina. But don't worry. You already helped me a lot. 

- Any time, sweetheart. You're always welcome here, you're basically a part of our family. 

Erina knew there was no point in commenting on sudden tears that, once again, appeared in Shouto's beautiful, bicolour eyes. 

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