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Shouto was a gentleman, so he just skipped to the bathroom, happy that he wasn't asked to prepare the food. At least that, right? 



'Party time with Todoroki be like:'

Hanta didn't pay attention to Todoroki whining about the silly pic of them trying to devour the never-ending cheese on their pizza slices. It's just too cool at the same time to get wasted in his phone's memory, is all!

- Come on, dude, you look awesome no matter what you do! - Hanta laughed, enjoying the moment.


That's precisely what he needed recently. 

Some silly TikTok videos, a guilt-free frozen pizza and a company to share this with, instead of smirking at the empty walls for the second week in a row. And if he could immortalise this moment of bliss on social media, WHO FUCKING CARED?!

- I should have bought two pizzas. - He mumbled, as soon as the plate got emptied by two angry heroes in training. - I always buy one and leave half for breakfast but it looks like you need more than this.

- You eat this for breakfast?! - Todoroki semi-yelled, gasping.


Just like Sero, he was having low key high key the time of his life... 

He forgot all formal ceremonies and overseas travels, and the whole discussion with Endeavour seemed like a distant dream. Right now, he was trying his best at munching something that looked, smelled and tasted like a burnt shoe sole sunk in yellowish salty chewing gum, and it was so good! So fucking good!

- I'm not a fan of cooking. My mum, Erina, she's great, always prepping some fancy veggies and stuff, but I don't really like it so much. Honestly, I hate everything that is green. Green tastes like rabbit food, no questions.

- How do you know what rabbit food tastes like?

- I don't. I just imagine it tastes like the green shit I'm forced to eat. To be healthy and stuff but everyone knows you just need rice and chicken, and then you're all hot and strong af.

- What does 'af' mean?

- As fuck. Sorry, sometimes I speak stupid. Anyways, mum Erina is the only one who likes to cook. My other mum, Alice, she's just as terrible as I am, she even burnt an egg once! I kid you not we had to call the firefighters, the kitchen was full of smoke, we thought we'd choke to death! Since then, Erina forbade her from even entering the kitchen. Luckily, she's good at other things, otherwise, I'd be doomed, y'know? She is really good at...

Todoroki laid down, looking around, losing the focus of Sero's monologue. Something something, happy family, something something, a climbing trip, something bla bla bla...


He discreetly checked out a big family photo of Sero Hanta, a black-haired woman on his left and a blond-haired, taller one on his right. They were wearing matching shirts with a rainbow print (odd, Shouto saw this one somewhere else?!) and looked happier than any Todoroki ever has. On the big wooden bookshelf that took up three-quarters of the wall, there was a high pile of books, a big porcelain vase, a ukulele without strings, a set of matching crystal glasses, and some tech gadgets. There was a pile of clothes to iron (Todoroki concluded, given how wrinkled and loosely thrown they were) on the dark blue sofa next to Sero, who apparently didn't find it necessary to move the pile away when eating (junk food) dinner. Luckily he moved out the bike pump from where he invited Shouto to sit down. Where he moved it, though, was a mystery.


- Anything you like? - Sero smiled, his eyes following Todoroki's gaze. The other one blushed slightly, looking down.

- Apologies, I got carried away. I was thinking about something, then my eyes started to wander and...

- Don't do this to me, dude, I caught you staring! Hey, that's fine, I'd be checking your place out like crazy! I assume it's a little different...

Shouto's mouth's corners rose slightly as he imagined his own mansion - Japanese style, empty, cleaned five times a week by a whole army of cleaners, dirtless, people-less, spotless. 



- You're right, it is. It's bigger, that's for starters. - Shouto deemed it worth mentioning, to give the other boy something to imagine. He didn't understand why Sero playfully rolled his eyes, was he mocking Shouto? Was he not? - It has a garden.

- Like flowers? Or like with a pool and stuff?

- There is a pool, yes.

- Omg, dude, you must totally do a pool party! I consider myself invited but it'll be fun if we ask others too, right!? - Sero's eyes shone as he already had a full party plan in his head. Balloons, booze (like a real one, not a non-alcohol one, who cares they're minors), music, games, hot dudes and dudettes in bikinis, and pizza - lots of pizza. No party without a good old Italian masterpiece.

- Sorry, I didn't consider it.

- You totally must.

- Ok, then. I will if I must.

- Yeah, totally.

- Totally. Yeah.

- Wanna ice cream?

- Totally. Sure.




This night, after laying down on Sero's bed (big shout out to Sero's mum who taught him to always put on fresh sheets when having guests!) Todoroki understood that 1. he'd sleep very well, after having spent a great time with a guy whose name he didn't remember merely hours ago, or 2. very badly for all the junk he devoured like an animal released from the leash. 

This was somehow true, given poor Shouto has never had a feast like this. 

Damn, poor boy didn't even know you could freeze a pizza. When his father fancied one, he just hired a master chef to cook one in their big oven pizza in the kitchen, bigger than a whole Sero Residence.


Hanta knew that he'd go to sleep a happy man. He couldn't care less that the sofa was too short and he had to sleep with his legs curled up to his chest. 

He knew he would sleep well, that he was not alone, that he was safe. 

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