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The formality - a peculiar stickiness of a forced tone one uses to mask their inner beast, the effort put into one's tone of voice, the carefully selected wording...

Something Todoroki didn't know that he didn't like.

Until now. 

For the rest of the day, Shouto stayed quiet. 

No one would spot a difference but inside, the boy was going through a hard time. 

After having spent the most informal, unceremonious, intimate even of the evenings, he got a feeling that he wouldn't mind having more of this in his daily routine. He wouldn't request his father to allow him a more relaxed behaviour in their private environment, or - he wouldn't ask Endeavour to cut him some slack. 

But why should he behave in the same manner at school where he's supposed to have fun? Ok, yes, learn stuff and become the best pro hero, that too, but hey, Kaminari and Kirishima bet on Sero photoshopping his last tweet, it wouldn't harm to be a little bit...  a little bit less Todoroki, a little bit more Sero. 


- Hey, Todoroki!

Shouto was oh so grateful to Sero for addressing him at the end of the classes. They didn't have practical exams today, meaning as soon as the bell rang, everyone just stood up from their desks and left.

- So, you're getting home now? That'd be that, right? The whole running away gig? 

- Too bad, but I couldn't get back even if I wanted to.

- What do you...

- I don't know how to get home.

Just like that, a low-key blinking contest began. None of the two boys knew what would be said next but whatever it'd be, it'd be very meaningful, possibly life-changing.

- Holy shit.

- I know, right. 

- Like, dude!

- Too bad.

- How come?

- I've never got here on my own.

- You're sth else.

- Sorry.

- So, what now?

- I might ask some pros to give me a lift.

- Wait, you can do that?!

- I mean, they work with my father and stuff, right?

- Omg did they see you when you were a baby?!

- Yeah, some of them were at my 1st birthday party. Funny, I don't remember that.

- Mood.

- Thanks for yesterday.

- Anytime, dude. Just ping me or sth.

- Just what?

- You know, on tweeter or sth.

- I don't have your number.

- You don't need it but whatever, here.

- Thanks.

- Ping me.

- Done.

- Cheers, dude.

- Yeah. Thanks again.

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