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Erina knew there was no point in commenting on sudden tears that appeared in Shouto's beautiful, bicolour eyes. 

It wasn't clear who was more ecstatic when Ectoplasm handed Sero his re-taken algebra test.

Hanta Sero, who finally received something above a D+ (he actually received a B-!),


Shouto Todoroki, who felt an overwhelming wave of pride bubbling in his chest and forcing out a little smile.


Whoever Hero is to Shouto... it doesn't matter. Like Shouto himself knows. 

The point is, Hero aced the maths and Todoroki-Sensei knows that he holds in hand an indisputable proof of being the best tutor in the world

Now he just needs to convince Hero to invite him once again! 

And again, and again, up until he changes his surname from Todoroki to Sero and never looks back at his grim past and problematic family. No matter how he'd achieve it - via adoption or marriage. Or by kidnapping Hero and pretending to be him from now on. Maybe he would keep Hero in his personal cage... 

Oh. This is not a thought Shouto's brain was ready to embrace. 



- Congratulations, Hero, you did great.

- Thanks, dude, but I'm still nowhere near your level lol.

- Don't worry, we're gonna fix this. When can I come by for the next one?

- Are you sure? Don't you have, like, more important things to do or something?

Stupid Hero. Doesn't he know that, for some inexplicable reason, he's become the only most important thing to do at the moment?! (Wait, that sounded wrong! What's wrong with you, Shouto's brain?! You be goin' through some shit phase, aren't ya)


- It's important to me that my classmates do great.

- I can't believe you just said it! - Kirishima chirped in, oblivious to Todoroki's intentions. - You're a real team player, Todoroki! I'm sorry I ever doubted that. - he nodded playfully. - I don't know what kind of magic you used to unlock Serobro's brain but can you do the same to mine?! Please please pleeeeaaase?

Let's be honest now, there's not ONE person in the entire world (and in the entire human history) who would have a heart of stone to say 'no' to a puppy-eyed redhead manly man.

- Yes, sure, we can meet at Hero's and I'll tutor you too.

- At Hero's... Wow, so you really came up with that nickname, uh?! You can call me Eijiro, or whatever you want - excluding Shitty Hair, this one's reserved - as long as you help with maths, Todoroki-Sensei!


Kirishima has it way too easy with making people love him.

And yet, should Shouto triage between the two boys - the black- and red-haired ones - falling from the cliff, he'd sacrifice the walking sunshine rock in an instant. 

Let others be bothered. 

He has Hero to save. Just so they can spend more time together. Learning maths. 

NOT kissing. No, definitely not. Don't listen to Shouto's brain. It's just in an odd mood today. Imagining its own stories. 


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