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- I might... yeah. I might ask her out.

- Will you, really?

- Yeah.


I'll ask her out... tomorrow.



- No way, Momo, you're the manliest woman in our class!

Kirishima beamed, excited about Yaoyorozu's willingness to help her fellow classmates with the final exam preparations.

- I was wondering... Can I join your little study group too?

- Of course, Sero. I will do my best to help you.

- Thank you, Yaoyorozu. You're really the best.


Shouto followed with his semi-closed eyes Hanta Sero - Hero - who left the class with Three Condiments on his side.

Of course, Shouto should not feel jealous.

Last week, Yaoyorozu scored one point higher on maths test than he did, it's only natural for everyone to shoot their best shot before the first class 1A exams. No one wants to be left behind and skip the summer camp. 

Easy peasy.






















Hanta didn't need the official exams' results to know he totally blew it.

He just couldn't focus, okay????!!!!!

Since the moment he involuntarily learnt what caused a shift in Todoroki's behaviour, he just... He didn't feel that well.

He knew he would never stand a chance, catch Todoroki's interest, damn! he didn't even know what the other one's sexuality is! At least, until now.

He knew that hard truth would be like a heavy slap in his face. He just regretted he learnt it right before the exams. And was about to pay a very high price.

Stupid Ice Prince and his Stupid Hot Smile... Shouto should have never opened his beautiful mouth.


The conclusion is, Hanta's emotions were just all over the place so when he got paired with Minoru Mineta (this stinky perv, what he's even doing here, it's XXI-st century?!) against Midnight, his life forces left his body just to succumb to the pro hero's power. He lost like the weak loser he is, without even getting a chance to display his full potential.

He felt ashamed and broken, of course, but at this point, he couldn't find the strength to weep. He won't enjoy the summer camp with others, so what? He won't get a chance of looking at Todoroki in the wild, so what?

I'll Ask You out. Tomorrow. (Seroroki MHA)Where stories live. Discover now