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If being a hero means he would fight to never see others suffer, he would go Plus Ultra.

Why did it take him so long to understand? Why did Hanta have to lose so much for Shouto to finally open his eyes?

- I will surpass you and kick your ass, Endeavour. I fucking promise.

Enji was pissed with the world but oh so proud of his son!

Did Shouto join his team?! Was Enji dreaming?! Did the last weeks of therapy twice a week start paying off?!


- Just so you know... - Shouto added after a while of their heart-to-heart, sitting on a mat in a training room, surrounded by total chaos. - ... I will do my best to raise up to your level, and then surpass you. I will train my flame, I will go Plus fucking Ultra.

But it doesn't mean I'm ready to forgive you for years of leaving me - me - behind.

Enji looked down, half-expecting such an answer.

He knew he couldn't have everything.

He learnt how damaging his over-the-top actions can be. He just hoped that Fuyumi and Natsuo would express a willingness to work on their broken relationships too, and maybe even attend family therapy together. After all, what was the point of Enji exposing himself in the creamy, dim PZK's therapy room, if his family members were left behind?

- So be it. I'll work hard, waiting for the day you can forgive me too.

Shouto felt that their discussion was over, it'd be the best moment to leave, followed by a dramatic soundtrack, like in movies he's never had time to watch.

But, what his guts wanted more than acting like an anime character, was to sit closer to his father, putting his head on the other one's chest.

And just sit like that.

Until his eyes slowly closed, until Shouto drifted into one of the most peaceful naps he has ever experienced.


Erina slowly opened her eyes, woken up by a sudden pain in her neck. She looked up at her wife, realising she drifted to sleep once again, in the hospital's corridor. Her brother Akira had to leave already for work. Now that All Might's light ceased to shine, all policemen were hurried to work hard like never before. Evil never sleeps, after all.

- Tell me he woke up...

- Erina, sweetheart, please... He needs time, okay?

- How will he react when he learns about All Might... I can't... I don't want...

- Shhh, my love, shhh... - Alice caressed gently her partner's greasy hair, noticing white shining strings close to the scalp. Odd. Erina, despite being 8 years older, has never had a problem with grey hair. Apparently, until now.

- I want to hug him...

- You know we can't, not yet... We don't want to hurt his sensitive skin now, do we?

- You're heartless!!! How fucking dare you!!!

Alice sighed.

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