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How much would Shouto give to find himself at Sero's, once again...
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But this did not happen. 

For a whole week.


No matter how hard Shouto tried getting closer to the other boy (FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON, OKAY), he was interrupted by Iida, Uraraka or Midoriya, or Sero was suddenly dragged away by his squad (which Shouto decided to keep calling Herosquad, moving on).

What he wanted was to get invited to spend some time with Sero, ideally at the other boy's place, once again.


To experience the warm feeling inside, to wake up to the scent of a cinnamon coffee, to take a bus where you have to put a paper ticket into a machine and it does a click! and then a beep! and the ticket is validated


He wanted to talk to Sero, listen to Sero, and then not feel forced to talk for hours, passing time idly scrolling his Insta feed but not in his empty room. In Sero's room which smelled like bike oil, tape glue, cheap cologne and Doritos. Which gave him a promise that no matter what  he would be comfortable at the other one's side.


How would he achieve it, though? 


He didn't feel like running away (being stuck without the funds) again, not after having his phone confiscated for three days and doing three extra training sessions (which wouldn't hurt except his body did hurt like a bitch). He didn't want to spook Sero by just walking to his desk and saying something like 'I like your house and want to meet your mothers'. He had Sero's number saved but even after having his phone back, he didn't know what to say.

However, Shouto did spend a good time observing from afar, trying to understand where Sero's overall contentment and charisma were coming from, and how he managed to make friends easily, even with being a little bit goofy at times. 

Not that Shouto didn't appreciate Sero's humour, but he didn't fail to notice when the object of his unprompted sociological research was too quick to say something, at the cost of getting ridiculed, ostentatiously ignored or blasted away.
And so? He didn't lose it and kept his Seroness as if the whole universe challenged him to be the best boy. 

And he would deliver.





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- Can I ask you something, Midoriya? 


Shouto started a conversation at lunch, one day, feeling exhausted with getting no answers to why he felt so well at Sero's, in his presence, and why he wanted to get closer so badly. Why did he want to be more like Cellophane and less like Shouto.


- Of course, Todoroki.

- Do you like staying at home? I mean, with your family?


Izuku took a moment to reflect on such a bizarre question.


- I love spending time with my mum, yes, if that's what you're asking about. I like getting out, going to school and meeting you guys too.

- When you're home, do you think you'd rather be somewhere else?

- Isn't it the opposite of the common saying? You know, 'there's no place like home'? 


Uraraka added, smiling. Not that Shouto asked her but what could he do? Tell her to shut her mouth?!


- I would say I have the opposite, yeah. I'd rather be home than anywhere else. Unless it's something cool like school, trips, cinema, this stuff.

- Yeah yeah! Totally, samesies! - Uraraka chirped again, forcing a high-five from a flustered green-haired boy on her right. - I love staying at home but at the same time, I totally can't wait for the holiday, I heard that Aizawa is prepping a surprise!

- A school camp. In the woods or something. - Todoroki murmured, losing interest in the people he just so randomly sat with when eating lunch. He learnt what he wanted from Midoriya, all the rest was just like background noise.

- A cam...


Before the girl managed to yell the secret out, Shouto cupped her mouth with his hand.


- Not. A. Word. - he threatened, leaving everyone at their table speechless. - Anyway, it's supposed to be a treat for the ones who pass the exams.

- Tough luck, I guess... - Tsuyu mumbled, listening attentively to the whole conversation. - I'm positive that everyone sitting here will pass with flying colours. I can't say the same about those ones, though.


Shouto followed Tsuyu's gaze toward Herosquad table and something - SOMETHING!!! SOMETHING BRILLIANT!!! - crossed his mind. 

Of fucking course! Damn it, how didn't he think of it earlier?!

As soon as the bell rang, Shouto sprinted (that is: walked a little bit quicker) towards class. The day before, they received maths test results. Needless to say, Shouto got an A+ (nerd) but Sero got a D+. With such a grade, he's totally risking failing the final exam and not going to the camp (it's a secret, okay?! It's not his fault he just so randomly happened to be hidden under the kitchen table when Enji entered it with Aizawa over the phone, discussing super camp's specifics...ninja).

- Sero Hanta.

- Hey dude, what's up? - Hanta beamed at Todoroki who came close to his desk after the history class was finished.

- Your maths test. - Shouto answered bluntly, earning a scowl. - You did terribly. Keep going and you won't pass the semester.

- I think you're exagger...

- Do you want to fail the very first semester at the school you worked hard to enter?



- Damn Todoroki, why do you suddenly sound like my mother.

- Yes or no.

- Yeah, fine, I will retake the test. Whatever.

- Yes, you will. And I'll make sure you'll pass it.

- You... what?

- You heard me. Tell me when you have a free afternoon so I can come by and tutor you.

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Now, Hanta was very grateful to Todoroki for being so incredibly supportive, in a Todoroki way. He vaguely recalled that the other one still owed him for the food and the bus rides, maybe this was his way to say thank you

But it basically meant that Hanta had to invite Shouto all over and he... well...

He just couldn't do it, okay????!!!

I'll Ask You out. Tomorrow. (Seroroki MHA)Where stories live. Discover now