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- I'm sorry. - The doctor said, appearing again. - Looks like today's not his day.

Wake up, HERO!

Wake up. 


Shouto raised his head but his vision got blurry, right after Hero's doctor said that Hanta did not gain consciousness on the spot. 

The doctor calmed the visitors, saying that he did put Sero into a coma for additional two weeks. He ensured that his quirk is organic, and tried joking about how he used to put his parents to sleep to play games but Aizawa's gaze forced him to close his mouth mid-sentence.

- I will closely monitor Sero's progress myself. He will wake up in no time. 

- In two weeks' time. - Shouto corrected the doctor. 

Like. Someone had to.




- So? How did it go?

Shouto shot a quick glance at his father waiting at the Todoroki's mansion entrance. 

Shouldn't the old fucker be at work now? Isn't he taking this all parenting too seriously?? 

At first, the boy shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, as to say 'not your business'

But, as he kept closing the distance between the two, his legs grew even heavier, his stomach more uneasy, and his black thoughts imagining the worst scenarios became so unsettling 


Shouto didn't even realise himself

as he finished walking directly 

toward Enji. 

The boy didn't realise that he pulled his head up, to look into his distressed father's eyes, to pass him the message where no words were needed.

Shouto woke up from his trance only moments after a strong arm pulled him into a tight - very tight - hug. 

- Everything will be fine, son. 

Enji sighed deeply, slowly carrying his overfatigued, passed-out from stress and tension teenage boy to his room.

How much time did pass since the two were so close - both physically and emotionally? 

Way too fucking much. 

Shouto might have said that he's not ready to forgive his father 

for the flaming hell the other one served him on a gold plate 


upon being hit by the truth about his crush not waking up when scheduled, 

he did not get back to the dorms. 

His first steps led him straight

into his father's arms. 

Just as a kid Shouto was running far from Enji years ago, something - some natural, inborn force - pushed a teenager Shouto precisely towards Enji's direction. 

And let him loosen up, let him faint in front of his father, not bothered about being labelled as weak.

Not this time. 

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