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- So, what about that last PS game I told you about? Can we start, can we, can we, can we?!

- Yeah, sure.

- Sure. Yeah. 

Shouto was stunned.



In a WOW! state.

Two days ago, he spent a couple of hours at Kirishima's.

Did he enjoy it?


Did he love it?


Did he feel sad when Miss Erina called Hero because the two ladies would leave for a weekly trip and wanted to spend time with their only son, leaving Shouto utterly bored with some stupid Kirishima's game with its stupid plot and stupid game mechanics and stupid quests and stupid name Shouto forgot already?

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so, just like an analytical freak who observes, gathers intel, analyses and draws conclusions based on hard evidence - just like Shouto Torodoki - the boy looked for answers.

Despite the clock showing 3:12 a.m., he took his phone to re-read the list of answers to his latest post. It wouldn't hurt to read it once again, even if he's been through the entire thread seven times already, would it?



Hey Reddit, please help me analyse my current emotional state which is very bizarre in my opinion. I am attaching the list of variables that occurred lastly, feel free to ask questions:

- There is this person in my class, and I discovered that around three weeks ago I developed a strange condition: when looking at their smile, it tickles me inside and makes me smile too.

- I like listening to their voice but I'm also OK with staying in silence, as long as they're around.

- I like their family and feel more at ease around their family instead of mine.

- Would it help if I added that they're cute and hot at the same time, or is this fact irrelevant?

- Also, if it helps, there's this thing that I knew I would spend some time with them the other day, so the previous night, I dreamt about them. I'm sure it was not a normal dream because they were naked and then I woke up because I didn't want to say or do something stupid in case they had the same dream on the other side of the city and would hate me forever. I'm not sure I'd like them to hate me. In fact, now that I reflect on this, I'd very much like them to like me too.

- Also, there's this trick that I'm happy around them but I'm not neutral when they're not around anymore, I'm a little sadder, but only a little. Normally, I used to study alone and it was fine, but today I studied alone and it made me a little sad because I thought 'Hey, how nice it would be to study with this person', and then I didn't finish my homework. For this reason, I am concerned my condition would impact negatively my performance. 

Please, can you let me know if my conclusion is correct:
I developed a mental illness where I will never be happy unless they're around (which they won't be because our friend groups don't like each other) and so I will never be happy and will die.

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