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-Todoroki? Is this... Of course, it's you, what a stupid thing to say. I mean... What the fuck are you doing here, Todoroki?




Shouto felt called out. 

Too bad HE HAD NO FUCKING CLUE OF WHO WAS STARING AT, like the idiot he is when it comes to social situations.

-I... Ugh... Sightseeing.

-The train station I work at? - the black-haired guy smirked.


Now, this was odd. 

Shouto knew he'd seen this guy earlier, 100%. Even with such a run-of-the-mill pale face, ordinary height, and not very elegant presence, this guy sat somewhere deep within Shouto's brain's memory cells. But his creamy, dirty apron with a cheeky slogan messed up with Todoroki's mind, he would swear he has never heard of such a bad-taste bakery. He has never been at this station, for god's sake!!!

-I... Ugh... Yeah? - was all he could say, his brain cells forcing themselves to connect the dots.

- Oh man, you're all wet... You must be starving, too. - the black-haired boy noticed and at this very moment, he just has become the best bestie of all Shouto's besties (with the black-haired guy being the only one on the W.I.P. list but it's a topic to raise during a Todoroki 1-2-1 reunion). - Here, let me feed you a little. 

- I don't have... Uh...


It was too humiliating for Shouto to admit out loud that he had no penny on him. He was so used to his limitless card that he stopped checking the prices of items he was purchasing a time ago. 

Yes, he did have a Gucci shirt. 

Yes, he had no idea how much he paid for it. 

No, his father never asked where his money was disappearing, never noticing the loss. For all Shouto knew, he could buy a whole Ferrari stand and gift the cars around, just to never face any consequences (give them shining money to the Author, Shou!).


- Don't worry, bro, you can just pay tomorrow in class. Or, you know what? The lady I served earlier tipped, just enough for this garlic bun, what do you say? I just hope you'll like it...



Shouto assessed the guy's face once again, only now paying attention to his whole body covered by the ugliest apron in the world. Odd-looking elbows. Cheeky smile. Annoying voice. Of course! The guy from his class! 

Duh, not any guy! 

The one and only guy Shouto defeated during the sports festival. The match was so uneven and the work was so easy, Shouto didn't even bother memorising the guy's name. Too bad he was the one saving Todoroki's life right now.


- I'm sure I'll enjoy the bun, thank you very much. I haven't eaten in a while... Can I just eat here?

- Whatever you want, dude.


Shouto took the offer and sat down next to the long bar shelf. He ate in peace, observing the other one serve two buns to a lovely couple (wet just like Shouto himself), and a cup of hot steamy hot chocolate to a little girl.

Todoroki didn't even mind being called 'dude', even if it did sound a little bizarre to His Highness Todoroki. 


As soon as the girl left, the black-haired lifesaver turned to Shouto.


- Shit, I made too much, again, my boss is gonna kill me... Don't tell him, though. - He winked at Shouto, laughing slightly at his own joke. Shouto paid great attention to this laugh - it was loud and genuine, but at the same time somehow laid back, shy??? - Fancy a hot choco? I can add some marshmallows if you want.

- Some... what? - Shouto asked, blinking in surprise. The guy has a nerve. Talking like that to Todoroki Shouto. Just why does it make Shouto feel all warm and fuzzy inside?!

- Some marsh... Please, tell me you have eaten mar... oh my gosh, dude, what the fuck?! How could you never try the best fluffy thingy in the world?! Wait, I'm gonna fix this. Don't move.

Shouto smiled, involuntarily. All he had to do was to look at the guy, for the other one to read him perfectly. 

Too bad Shouto still had no idea what his name was. 

He pulled his phone quickly, painfully aware that his WI-FI connection was cut off (thank you, father!), and scrolled through his gallery. There it was - a blurry pic of the results of the sports festival taken by his big sis. Todoroki Shouto against ... H-A-N/M-T-?-E-R-O? H-??-RO?


- Here, try this.

- Thank you... H...Hero


The teen was not 100% sure of the other guy's name. The photo was way too blurry, ok?! 

But whatever he came up with couldn't be as silly as it sounded, for the black-haired boy's jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide.


- Omg, Todoroki Shouto having a sense of humour now?! I gotta tweet this ASAP!


And, without waiting for an explanation, he took out his phone and clicked something in a blink of an eye.

'The next time you address me, go for H(antas)ERO, courtesy of TodoDude!' 

He didn't have the patience to go through a couple of tweets he got in an instance. They were silly anyway.


- Please, please, please, never stop calling me that! - Sero's eyes glowed as his smile grew wider (was it even possible?!). - I love this nickname so much more than Tape Dispenser or Soy Souce... Or a hundred others Bakugou came up with. Anyways... You never really answered my question.


Shouto did some quick calculations in his head.

He doesn't feel like getting back home. He has no idea how, as he hasn't had a chance to develop the right sense of urban orientation (excluding being a perfect example of a limo passenger who never puts his shoes on the leather seats around and makes sure to tightly close his water bottle).

He's found (he has been found by??) a classmate, the one that goes by Tape Dispenser - only now did Shouto realise the name he failed to decipher is Hanta Sero. He recalled Aizawa-Sensei murmuring this surname way too many times when handing out maths tests. 

Not that he would ever admit that 'Hero' came as a mistake. Nah. 

He's a Todoroki after all. He has a reputation.


Sero seems to be not-as-annoying, he's quick to read Shouto and, what's most important, he gave him food, thus saving him from unavoidable death by starvation.


Verdict: trustworthy and also maybe has more food around.


Shouto swallowed a marshmallow, just to twist his face upon nauseating sweetness.

- You gave me food so I will tell you.

I ran away from home. 

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