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 Hanta was not going to ridicule himself in front of his new tutor.

No fucking way.

  - Mum, I told you a thousand times! Don't leave your stuff here, this is my part of the sofa!

Hanta groaned, entering the living room and earning a scowl from his mum Alice.

- It's not my fault I have too much stuff. Tell Erina to stop buying me shit.

- Like she would listen to me, right? - Hanta smiled in the direction of his mum Erina, earning a pillow thrown in his face.

- Besides, I told you two, I'm having a guest tonight. Could you, for once, not compete as to who gets to humiliate me more? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeeee?

Erina and Alice exchanged a serious look, considering their only son's plea.


- That depends. Is he cute?

- W-what?! N-no, mum, he's n... - Hanta's brain blue screened but he quickly composed himself. Constant teasing is their family's love language and he built a strong defence system. - Actually, he kinda is, but like not cute cute. More like hot hot.

- CODE RED, CODE RED!!! - Alice yelled, and before her poor teenager could react, she added shamelessly: - I buy cinema tickets, you do the sex talk.

- Wait a second hun, didn't we agree you did the sex talk and I was the organis...



After all, Hanta wasn't that hungry. 

He could skip breakfast, just to run very very very far from his crazy family.

Oh god...

What if Alice said something similar once Todoroki...

Oh god.

Hanta was so fucked, wasn't he?

But also...

If he was...


Would it be that bad?

If it was

you know


(whispers) Todoroki?





- Yo Kami, guess who's coming over after school!

- Not me, because you didn't invite me? 

- Yeah, sorry, my place is special, V.I.P.s only.

Kaminari slowed at his steps, getting a couple of shoulder hits by the passers-by. 

- Don't tell me it's That's Rough, Buddy?!

- The one and only.

- You guys... - Kaminari frowned, a silly grin decorating his face. - ... you like dating or someth...

- What?! NO!

The 'NO!' was way too loud and high-pitched for such a clever badass like Kaminari to overlook it. 

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