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Sero knew that he'd go to sleep a happy man. He couldn't care less that the sofa was a little too short and he had to sleep with his legs curled up to his chest.

He knew he would sleep well, that he was not alone, that he was safe.

- You drink coffee? - Shouto asked, entering the living room/kitchen (he still hasn't figured it out), lured by a strong caffeine scent.


Turns out, he did sleep wonderfully, enjoying sweet dreams about lots of food that didn't make him fat, and dancing squirrels, and marshmallows tasting like sushi, and his father being closed in jail forever, and Sero organising a pool party with huge giraffes that they used as swings, and then other stuff he couldn't recall anymore. He didn't know his brain could come up with all this stuff!

So did Hanta, what let him wake up early enough to tidy the saloon up and check on the last email mum Erina sent him like she could do every two days. He scrolled down, smiling at a couple of road pics and - this time - not feeling eaten by jealousy. He had a great night as well, and he'd make sure to tell his mums every detail (minus the chocolate ice cream, he's not suicidal). 


- Sure, why? I like it with some milk and cacao powder on top, but my mum likes hers with cinnamon. You wanna try it?

- I don't... - Suddenly, he felt ashamed to admit that his father doesn't allow him to drink coffee because Shouto is still young and developing and such. Fuck Endeavour and his shitty rules. - You know what? I'd like to try your mum's version, please.

- One Cinnamon Heaven coming right up!

Shouto smirked, observing his classmate dancing around the kitchenette. He knew Sero was not really dancing, but his smooth movements and general body flow, his great understanding of the surroundings (cinnamon: the second shelf on the left, fresh mug on the top of a dishwasher), and his delicate hips' moves in the rhythm of Latino music that started playing as soon as Shouto entered the room - what a charming spectacle to watch!

Only now did Todoroki Shouto realise how bad of Todoroki Shouto he was yesterday.

- Shit! Our maths homework! - he yelled, disrupting Sero's flow. - I completely forgot...

- No worries my dude, I'm sure we can fix this! - Hanta laughed, vanishing for a moment and coming back with a pile of books. - I'm way too tired to study after work so I just leave assignments as a breakfast treat. We'll do them in no time, you'll see.

Now, this perfectly explains why Shouto is the first, and Hanta the fourteenth in the class. Last-minute scribbling before leaving home? A big red flag. Shouto would be grounded forever if he tried to pull this one off at home. But what other choice did he have? As soon as the coffee was prepared, with a Nutella croissant on the side (wow, so it really is as delicious as they say on TV! Bless Hanta for sharing!), the boys took out their notebooks and started solving equations.

- And it's done! - Hanta sighed relieved, attempting to close his notebook. Attempting to, because Shouto jerked his hand away before he could finish.

- May I remind you there's a second page too?

- Yes, I know. But if you look closely, there are 20 equations on the first and only 17 on the other one. That means I did over 50%, doesn't it?

- Is this how you want to pass the U.A.? - Shouto asked incredulously, shooting a judgemental look at the other teenager. - Damn and I thought I was the best of the best...

- Wow, that hurt!

- No, you're just making it too easy.

Hanta blinked a couple of times. He absolutely hated homework and always landed on his feet by doing right a little bit above the minimum, at least when it comes to studying and theory. Naturally, just as everyone else, in a practical field he was Plus Ultra all over. But damn if Todoroki wasn't right. Hanta could use his head just a little more, it surely wouldn't hurt as much as his shattered pride right fucking now.

- Yeah, okay... Let's finish this one. But I'm not doing the starred one. It's for nerds.

Needless to say, Shouto has never noticed the difference between normal assignments and the ones with extra stars for 'more effort'. So, he let the comment slide and did what knew to do best, helping his classmate in the process. 



Shouto has never been late to school, so it was natural he was anxious when standing - very anxiously - in the crowded bus. He felt like he had no air to breathe and no space to move, but there was something oddly calming in being a part of a bigger group, even if this group was a faceless bunch of sweaty commuters.

None of the two boys talked, except for a couple of Hanta's comments on when to turn right and how to validate a one-way ticket, and it was just the best thing they could do to make the whole journey ordinarily, magically pleasant.

Until a moment when their silent walk got interrupted by two of Sero's friends (plus Bakugou who befriends no one for everyone must tremble in fear in front of his majesty).

- Hello there, Sero! So it is true! You see, I told you he didn't photoshop that pic!

- No way, I don't even have these 5 bucks!

Hanta burst into genuine laughter, getting closer to his squad and heading towards school, leaving Todoroki slightly behind. Actually, letting Todoroki walk slowly to avoid getting dragged into a silly conversation about the best Marvel hero that he was not mentally prepared for.

- Good morning! How are you doing today, Todoroki?

- I'm fine, thank you for asking, Midoriya. - Shouto answered politely, feeling something odd in his chest. 


The politeness. 

The formality. 

The peculiar stickiness of a forced tone one uses to mask their inner beast, the effort put into one's tone of voice, the carefully selected wording... 

Something Todoroki didn't know that he didn't like. 

Until now. 

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