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- You eavesdropped. Of fucking course, a sly worm you are. Who did you hear gossip.

- Your friends.

- I. DON'T. HAVE. ANY.Friends.

- Well, then... Tsetsu copy and Kaminari. Bakugou was listening to them. And there was also that guy, I forgot his name.

The one with tape.



Todoroki was a mess.

Monoma was dead.

Well, maybe not exactly dead but as soon as Shouto got released from the ice wall, he attacked his weaker opponent, finishing Monoma's quirk party quite soon, sending the poor boy to the infirmary.

Aizawa and Vlad King only nodded wordlessly. They saw Neito running his mouth (what about? Why the fuck should 30-somethings care?! THEY HAVE BILLS TO PAY!) and concluded the student probably deserved to be shushed.


After the training, everyone (minus Monoma and Midoriya who were recovering in the infirmary, respectively with shattered pride and bones) went back to shower, eat and prepare for the evening.

Shouto knew he had to personally fix the misunderstanding others started by gossiping behind his back.

He thought about how he kept pushing the confession for... tomorrow, until Hero started avoiding him - well, now Shouto understands the reason. Hanta must feel like being lied to.

The plan is simple - Shouto must just grow a pair, explain everything, and ask Hero out.




Besides, there's been this little detail in Shouto's head... the one saying that asking Hanta out officially would be equal to admitting that he fell hard for another boy. How would he explain this to Uraraka, Fuyumi and all the silent followers of his love life?! 

Not long ago he didn't even masturbate, totally ignorant about the Love & Sex Department! And now he was having hots for someone, AND for the boy?!


That spiralled way too quickly.


Shouto was in the middle of an imaginary conversation with Shouto From The Future (You should have asked him out, but because you didn't, the world has been possessed by the robots and everyone is dead) when Pussycat asked for the students' attention.

- As I mentioned earlier, we will have some fun this evening. The game's rules are easy: it will be a scare your enemy tour. For starters, students from class B will be scarers and class A will be scarees, then the roles will reverse. Class B, you're free to take your spots across the forest and use your quirks to scare the class A students who will be entering the forest in randomly assigned pairs, in 15 minutes intervals. Feel free to use your imagination as much as you please. The more crybabies break, the better.

- We're no crybabies, what the fuck!

- Bakugou, don't curse when talking to the pro hero.

- Okay, but my point stays. We're gonna f... show them. Their quirks are stupid anyways.

I'll Ask You out. Tomorrow. (Seroroki MHA)Where stories live. Discover now