Hazel's second time dying.

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Ok, the title is kinda, yeah, don't kill me.

I value my life so, don't worry, it's not as it seems.....or is it? MUAUAUUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAU!


After the iris message with camp, the demigods ran to the dining hall. Leo had built holgraphic screens which showed live images from CHB. It wasn't tasteful.

Roman demigods charged camp. Clarrisse ordered her cabin to meet their strike. The Ares campers went but, they were taken by surprise. Reyna's dogs charged the Hephaestus cabin kids, which was hard to watch for Leo. Nyssa collapsed, as did several other campers.

The Apollo campers, with their trusty bows, sniped the romans.The girl from earlier, Atlanta, was with them. Guess she was an Apollo kid.  Behind them, also armed with bows, were some girls in silvery outfits....

"The hunters of Artemis!" Piper yelled.

Thalia Grace called down some lightning and hit a roman in the back. He collapsed. The Athena Campers grabed shields and spears. They marched in an ordered line that would've made Annabeth prou-.

No, don't think about Annabeth, Leo reminded himself.

The Demeter and Dionysus kids grew vines around the legs of Romans. The satyers and nature spirts helped with that. The Aphrodite kids were even fighting for the camp. Piper nodded proudly as they charged on pegaus back.

Then things went terribly wrong for the Greeks.

Thalia went down has a spear tip lodged in her back. It was awful deep. Jason cried out as she fell. A camper dragged her out of the fight.

Several Aphrodite kids were shot out of the sky. A fall from that height was sure to be fatal if they hit the ground wrong. Piper started to cry as Drew, despite all the mean things she had done, fell off her pegasus and hit another camper. Neither got up. No-one had the extra man power to drag them out of the fight.

Nico gasped as several of his friends dropped. He seemed even more depressed as that girl, Atlanta, was hit by a throwing knife. She tried to send an arrow in the direction of her attacker but, a Roman tackled her.

Leo just couldn't stand it any more. He summonded fire and hit the screen. It wasn't damaged but, the screen went black. Everyone seemed relieved as it ended.

"Let's call their parents," Leo said.

"Who's?" Hazel raised an eye brow, making her seem even cuter.

"Percy and Annabeth's."


"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept this offering."

Leo threw the coin through the spurt of water coming out of the sink.

"Show me Sally Jackson, in Upper East side, Mannhatten."

The rainbow showed Percy's mother, relaxing on the couch, holding tightly to a picture. It was wrinkled around the edges.

"Mrs. Jackson?"

She was so startled, she dropped the picture. Leo glanced at it. It was a picture of Percy and Annabeth, holding hands at Camp. That blow struck home since they were both gone.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, Annabeth told me about you. You're Leo, right?" Leo nodded.

"Piper and Jason?" They both nodded.

"And of course I know you Nico."

"Hi Sally," Nico started coolly. "This is Hazel and this is Frank."


"Um, we need to tell you some things, um, erm, about Percy and Annabeth."

"Oh," Sally sounded concerned. "Well, okay. My husband isn't home yet so, I'll just tell him later."

"Um, well let's start at the beggining."

They all told of their experiences for the quests and a little before that. Then they got to the last part.

"And, then Percy grabbed her arm. But the pull was so heavy, he went down too. Then Annabeth told Percy to let go of her arm but, Percy wouldn't. He told me to lead the others to the Doors. And then he let go and... they fell."

Sally didn't speak at first. Her eyes fluttered to the picture on the ground, back to the half bloods, to the picture. Then she started to sob.

Horrible sobs. Like, oh-my-gods-i-just-killed-my-mother- sobs. Leo knew what those sobs sounded like. Long story.

Sally managed a good bye, and the connection dissolved. Nico went to call Tyson.

Jason and Piper went on deck. Frank eyed Leo and Hazel warily, then sighed and went up stairs. Leo slumped down against the wall. Hazel followed his lead.

"It's all my fault," Leo complained. He remembered opening the cookie. He was never going to a chinese reastraunt again.

"Leo,stop it! If anything, it's my fault."

Leo studied her. "What are you talking about?"

Hazel didn't respond. Leo leaned over to her.

"Personally, I think it was Gaea's fault. She kinda tried to kill us serveral times. So yeah. My ellectoral  college vote goes to the Earth Mother."

Hazel laughed lightly. Not that what Leo said was super hilarious but, they all needed a laugh.

"You know Leo," She began. "I kinda wanted to say that yo-" Hazel was cut off by an explosion. The ceiling groaned and collapsed on Leo and Hazel. Leo jumped in front of Hazel but, she tried to shield Leo, causing them both to fail. They were covered under tons of metal.

Leo struggled to move but, his arms were pinned. After what seemed like eons, footsteps approached.

"Hazel?" "Repair boy?" "Miss Metal?" "Supreme commander Leo??!!"

Their names and nicknames were called out. Finally, the sheet of brone covering Leo was moved. Jason yelled, "I found Leo!"

Piper, Hedge and Nico ran over. They lifted him up. He could walk but, his arms hurt terribly. "They might be broken," Piper observed.

"Doesn't matter. Where's Hazel?" Leo demanded. Frank was still searching. They ran over and Frank cried out. Leo knelt next to him.

What he saw almost killed him.

The once adorably cute daughter of Pluto had been hit by the beams covering the ceiling. Her face was smashed in. Her eyes were shut tight. Her hair spanned out around her. Piper started to cry into Jasin's shoulder. Nico kneeled next to his sister. His eyes filled with tears as he placed his hands on her fore head. He croaked out something un-idendifle and curled into a ball. He kept muttering, "Not again. Why does it always happen to my sisters?"

Leo had a bad feeling as he checked Hazel's pulse. "Leo," Frank asked, concerned about him and Hazel. Leo's mouth tasted like machine oil as he spoke.

"She's dead."

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