Chapter 8- From Zero to Hero

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"What do you mean Hazel's dead?!" Percy demanded. Before Bianca could answer, Ethan Nakamura stomped over, covered in monster grime. Percy hadn't noticed he hadn't been sleeping with the others. Ethan wore a black shirt with crossed swords, jeans and a gray hoodie.

"Well, two Cyclops, three Hellhounds and a Harpy attacked me! Gosh, I was just looking for food! Which, by the way, I did find." He put down 3 cheese burgers, a pizza box, 2 large fries, a salad, ham and a 12 pack of Coke.

"How'd you find these?"

Ethan shrugged. "Maybe a god is helping us out."

Percy doubted it but, he awoke the others. He didn't look them in the eye. He had caused most of their deaths. They scarfed down half the food and all the Coke.

Percy manupilated the Coke to splash down on Annabeth. They all laughed as Annabeth gave him a look. He quickly made the drink come out.

"So, Percy and Annabeth," Silena began. "Gaea told us everything that's happened since, you know. Any how, we need to work ot a plan for what happens if w-"


"Why is it always the Hydra?" Percy sighed.

Silena had a knife strapped to her thigh. Beckondorf had a sword, as did Ethan. Bianca and Zoe had thier silver bows and quivers. Annabeth held up soemthing shiny in the darkness. Upon closer inspection, Percy realized it was her dagger. Her backpack lay beside her. "Look what I found," Annabeth quivered.

Percy had one thing to say before they battled. A bit of an inside joke but, if they all lived, he would explain it later.

He said, "I hate wonder bread."

Then they charged.


Silena didn't last long. After they ran forward, Silena started to slash and hack with Annabeth. They went for the Hydra's legs. Meanwhile, Percy and Beckondorf distracted it form thier girlfriends. Zoe and Bianca shot a volley of arrows.

"AHHH!" Silena yelled. Fire ran up the back of her leg. Annabeth pulled her away from another shot of fire.

"Silena!" Charles Beckondorf ran to her. It was difficult for Percy to watch, since it reminded him of Piper and Jason and the last time they fought together, with the Giants.

Silena cried out. Another burst of flames from one of the Hydra's mouths had hit her again.

On her head.

It reminded Percy of the last time Silena died.

That wasn't a good thought.

Beckondorf was so mad that he threw his sword at the Hydra's 5th head.

Two more grew in it's spot. Beckondorf cursed.

"Zoe!" Bianca cried out. Percy managed a glance in their direction. Zoe lay on her back, screaming. One of the Hydra's feet was planted on her stomach. She had a hunting knife but, couldn't reach it with the Hydra holding down her arms.

"This is going great." Percy muttered before running to the 2 hunters of Artemis's aid.

Ojk, cliffhanger there. My next chapter is Leo, and based on two capters ago, I think you all know it's going to be Hazel's funeral. MUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUA! ~Michelle~

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