Time To Go BeastMode

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...."Ok, you guys better be ready to sweat!" Mrs.Goodey interrupts our stretching.

"Hey to you too." I say. She smiles at me and then blows her whistle.

"Twenty suicides full court, go!" She whistles again and not a second off I start running. I still manage to finish before everyone else. I bend over to catch my .

"Four laps around the court, knee ups." She catches my glare, winks, and whistles. 

Despite how retarded I feel doing it, I do it to impress Mrs.Goodey. After that we did a lot more exercises like a timed mile run, push ups, shuffling drills, sprinting drills. Then she told us to pair up. I scan through the crowd of girls for a good pick, when I see this pretty dirty blond girl that looks pretty toned. I catch her eye and smile. She smiles back, nods, and jogs over. 

"Hey, you're Stella right?" She asks and I nod.

"I'm Nikki." She says.

"Well hey."

Then we laugh, when out of nowhere a ball comes flying towards us. Without even thinking I block it with my palm. I looked in the direction the ball to see Mrs.Goodey was just passing out balls. 

"Sorry." I say apologetically.

But she was smiling impressed and pointed for me to get the ball. Once I brought it back she motioned for everyone to spread out, and us and our partner had to do whatever to keep the ball up. Serve, block, set, or just hit it. We stayed doing that for about five minutes, and then she put the net up. She tells us to line up, she'll set the ball, and we're to spike it. Simple as that right? Wrong. Some people couldn't get their timing right, and others would hot the ball but just not spike it. But I still high-fived the girls as they came down the line. That's when I noticed a group of guys sitting in the bleachers watching us. I guess guys really like spandex. Before I knew it, I was at the front of the line and it was my turn.


"Of course."

I rock back and forth waiting for her. When i think she's about to set it I jump, and what do you know? Perfect timing. Perfect spike. The ball slammed with a pound about a foot away from the net.

"Nice." She says.

I smile over my shoulder and skip off to the side accepting my high fives. A couple people went after me, and then it was Nikki. She spiked with almost as much power as me. She collects her high fives, and makes it over to me.

"That was pretty impressive." I high five her with two hands. 

"Thanks, you too."

So after everyone went Mrs.Goodey broke us into teams of of six to play a game, splitting up Nikki and I. We learned names, and then we flipped a coin to see who serves first. My team called heads. But the coin was tails. Nikki's team went first. After Mrs.Goodey whistled Nikki serves. I save it easily by squatting, but by the impact I can tell it's gonna leave a mark. I shake it off and keep going. I make quite a lot of points for our team, along with Nikki. But somewhere in the game this competition between Nikki and I arose. When we rotate again and Nikki and I are both on attack line. Someone sets the ball for her and she spikes. It wasn't a good spike so just like her serve all I had to do was squat. When the ball gets back to me I hit it to an empty space in the side line. This girl Savannah tries to save it but ends up hitting it out of bounds. I get high fives from my team. Then we keep going and soon Nikki and I are rotated to center line. We smile when we're face to face. One hand behind our back and the other like an a-OK sign looking to Mrs.Goodey waiting for her to whistle so my teammate could serve. Brittany did and the ball went back and forth for a while. Nikki's team kept trying to spike the ball but me Danielle, and Imani did really well at blocking and it finally bounced back to their side and hit the ground. But then Nikki's team got real close to us. We kept getting rotated until we were back to where we started. So the same stuff happens again basically but different people spike. But then something about how Nikki spiked caught me off guard. I run to save it but I hit it out. I run my hands on my pony tailed hair in frustration. But I let it go. I just go back to my spot swaying back and forth waiting for the ball. When it reaches my team we bounce it back and forth keeping it alive. Nikki tries to spike again, not gonna lie it's getting on my nerves now, but this one was really nice. I dive for it, and end up saving it my team brings it back up over the net and we're going back and forth again. That's when I realize this is the last point we need to win... and something else. 

"Kacey!' I call the girl in front of me and look at the empty space I was seeing.

When Kacey gets the ball she sets it for me and I spike it. The blockers block but my spike breaks their block, and at the last second Nikki sees the gap so she dives to get the ball but a second to late. The ball hit the ground. Our team went crazy! I turn to Mrs.Goodey to see her smiling. Our team then goes along the net with the other team and we start high five'ing underneath the net in a line. Then we went back to celebrating.

"Our team was so close!" Nikki says after she came on our side.

"I know! I thought you guys had it!" We laugh.

"You were good though." I tell her.

"Thanks." She says. I glance to the bleachers and do a double take when I see Jaden with the group of guys. 

"Uh, hold on." I tell Nikki. I run up the bleachers to the guys. They were all giving me those looks. But I just walk over to the bleachers beneath Jaden.

"What are you doing here?" I ask smiling.

"I came to see why Mrs.Goodey was so into you... and it's dark. I can't let you walk home alone(I told him during school that I'm home alone)." I blush.

"Thanks... and now you see." I say.

"Yeah, you're good." He says. I laugh.

"Well I should be. I've been doing this for basically my whole life. But, um, hold up."

 I run back down to Nikki.

"I'm heading out, but can I get your number?" We exchange number and sweaty hugs. I pick up my duffel bag, and Jaden comes down the bleachers. Then we walk out together.

..."So do you play any sports?" I ask Jaden.

"Not unless you consider Tae Kuan Doe a sport." He says smiling.

"I guess." I say smiling.

"What about you? Do you play anything else?" Jaden asks.

"I do yoga?" I offer and then we laugh. 

We chit-chat the rest of the walk, and then we reach my house.

"Well this is my stop... Bye." I unlock the gate.

"I just walked you home. The least I can get is a hug." I turn around smiling.

"Jaden, I'm all sweaty."

"Should I care?" He asks. I laugh and hug him.

"Bye." I say again.

"Bye." He says. Then I unlock the door and walk in.... 

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