Young Smitto himself :3

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Dr.Shipe is amazing, by the way. The most awkward, funny, random guy you'll ever meet. I already know he's gonna be my favorite teacher here. So towards the end of class the office called for me, but told me to come down after 1st period. So that's what I did. I was waiting for something really exciting, but all that happened was they gave me all my books. Lame. But on top of that I was late to my 2nd period becasue I ws struggling with my books, and also looking for the door, with no help. Weirdly, you had to go through this door that lead to an empty hallway with nothing but one classroom. Sketchy much? But besides the thought I hit my books against the door as if knocking. This man with a huge bald spot in the middle of his head, smiled this creeper smile. Being polite I smile back. "Hi, I'm new?" I say questioning that he knew. He didn't seem very inteligent. But then again, this was a small school. "Uh yeah, you must be Stella." He says. "That's me." I beam. "Stella.....?" He looks at me in a way that asks me to continue. "Smock." I finish for him. "Alright. Next to Jaden over there." I enter the class to get greeted by smiles from the guys, and eye rolls and sizes from the girls. Typical. Everyone here was younger than me. Freshman, or Sophmores. I smile in the direction of the guys with potential though. Then I look to where my creeper teacher pointed to be pleasently suprised. I tried not to make my expression change as I saw him. Freaking Jaden Smith is who he was talking about....... Jaden Smith! I sit down and put my backpack between the both of us. I can tell he was and still is expecting me to say something being the guy he is. But when it didn't happen, he switched to glancing at me from the corner of his eye. When I had to get my notebook out of my backpack Jaden was full on begging me to look at him. I smile to myself and then look up to him.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." I start taking the notes Creeper Teacher has on the board.

"So you're new." Jaden says rather than asks.

I nod while writing. But look up to make sure he knows I'm still lsitening.

"Where'd you come from?"

"Florida." I think he realized that questions that require one worded responses probably aren't the best.

"Who came with you?" He asks me next.

"My little sister, my older brother, and my parents." 

"Why now?" I guess it makes sense to ask since it's already a couple weeks into the 1st quater.

"My mom's bestfriend's mom was diagnosed with alzheimer's, and she's basically my mom's second mom. She wanted to be with her before... you know."

"Oh. I'm sorry." He says it with actual sympathy in his voice.

"It is what it is."

I just learned to accept the facts. So with none of us knowing what to say after that, we just let the conversation end there. Four sheets of paper later the bell rings.

"What class do you have next?" Jaden asks as he stands up.

"Um, peer counseling 3&4." He smiles. 


"Really?" I ask a little suprised.

"I'm a nice guy."

He shrugs and I just smile. Jaden picks up my books for me. 


"No problem."

There was a silence as we walk from the third to second floor until I finally break it.

"Do you get a lot of new kids here?" 



There's the same look of  astonishment on everyone we pass.

"Well you know, you are talking to me your first day." 

I roll my eyes playfully. So to make this walk a little interesting Jaden decides to quiz me a little.

"... When's your birthday?" He asks me.

"July 9th." He smiles.

"Yeah, I know, yours is the 8th."

"So you do know me." I can't help but laugh at the way he says it.

"Well yeah, I don't live in a box. You're Will's kid." The light in his eyes goes away.

"I'm kidding." I laugh.

I take my phone out of my pocket and show him my  black galaxy s2 case with 'M.S.F.T.S' written in big white letters. He takes my phone admiring it, rubbing his finger against the letters.

"This looks legit!" I smile.

"I know. My cuzzo's amazing." Jaden looks impressed....

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