Big Time Plans :)

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..... "Hello?"

"Why are guys douches?" I ask.

Felipe sighs to himself happily. Whenever we fight we just talk like nothing happened after. That's our way of apologizing.

"Because we think with our dicks."

"But why?" I ask.

"We just don't think about what will happen after we get what we want." Then he pauses for a second.

"Is this about me?" I laugh.

"Don't get cocky. It's about boy kind." He laughs too.

"Alright, well yeah. So how are you and that guy?"

"How are you and that girl?" I ask him.

"Was that a comeback or are you geniunely curious?" He asks me.

"I was actually curious."

"Damn. Are you doing this on purpose?" My eyebrows furrow.

"What?" I ask.

"Stella, I shouldn't even be talking to you. I hurt you, but you're still here." He says.

"We promised we'd still be here, no matter what..... We've been friends since grade school, Felipe. Plus you were the first person I thought about calling." We both laugh.

"And just so you know there never was a her and me." 

I smile to myself and then another question forms in my head.



"How much do you have to like a girl to ask her out?" I ask.

"Enough to ask her out." I hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm serious!"

"I'd probably have to like her a lot, and I should know her pretty well."

"Sounds legit." I tell him.

"Stella!" I hear Jaden call. I sigh.

"Listen, I gotta go. I'll call you later though." I tell him walking out of the bathroom.

"Alright." He says.

"Ok. Bye." I wait for him to hang up. I smile to myself and then the guys come into the room.

"I'm really in the mood to party." I tell the guys.

"Funny story actually, do you know Carlos Pena?" I smile widely.

"I'll take that as a yes," Justin laughs.

"Well he's having this pool party today and told me I should stop by." Then Justin turns to Jaden.

"Mateo and Moises are going too." 

"Fa-re-al?!" I ask all excited.

"She knows Moi and Teo?" Justin asks.

"Yeah she's part of the crew." Jaden says.

"So when does this party start?" 

"Twelve." I look at the time to see it's already a quarter after one.

"We needa go... Like now." Justin laughs.

"Alright. Call me when you guys are ready." Justin says.

"Or call me when you're ready." I tell Justin. He nods and he heads to the door.

"Wait." We both laugh when he turns around.

Justin and I exchange numbers and then he leaves.

So I pick out this really cute black bikini with laces on the cups( I pull on my white over the shoulder crop top, and red shorts. I decide to wear my contacts and bring the container with them. I put the container in my black coach bag and I slip on my black slippers. Then walk to Jaden's room. He's wearing black swimming trunks and a white wife beater. Before I could say anything my phone rang.


"Yeah, I'm on my way now."

"Oh, alright."

"See ya then."

"Kay. Bye." I wait for him to hang up.

"Justin's on his way." I tell Jaden.

"Oh, lemme get you a towel then."

I follow him to the closet where all of the towels are when I see this zebra print one.

"I want that one."

"Nahh. That 's mine."

"But I want it." Jaden smiles and then sighs. 

"Guess we'll have to share it." I smile and then we head downstairs.

"I'm gonna tell my dad we're leaving." Jaden says and I nod.

I sit on the couch and waait for Justin. I go on Instagram and start liking pictures until I get bored and start playing the logo quiz . Then Justin finally gets here and rings the doorbell. I smile as I hear Jaden upstairs running down here. 

"I got it!" I say and let Justin in.

"Hey." I say and greet him with a hug. I turn around to see Jaden walking over with some look on his face. But I couldn't put my finger on it because it was gone just as fast as it came.

"Let's go." Justin says.

So we all hop in Justin's Range Rover.

"I can't believe this guy's ok with bringing high schoolers to his party." I say.

"He's a chill guy. As long as you're not lame he's cool." I nod.

A couple minutes pass.

"How far is this guy's house?" I ask Jaden and Justin.

"Not that far." Justin says.

"Like ten minutes tops." Jaden adds.

When we reach the house I'm just looking at it in awe.

"Whoa." The guys look back to me and smile.

"Yeahh." They say together. 

We get out of the car and walk through the doors together...

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