I Wonder Why They Call It A Chicken Fight... Hmm

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.... I see Mateo.

"Hey!" I run up and he picks me up as he hugs me.

"Hey." He says.

"Hay." I tell Moises followed by a hug. He chuckles.

"Hey." He says.

"Having fun?" Teo asks.

"Definitely. You?" I ask them both.

"I guess." Mateo says in a way that makes us all laugh.

"We were about to jump in the pool. Coming?" Moi asks.

"We?" I ask.

"You know, me, Moi, Jaden, Justin, Sam, and Carlos." Mateo says.


So Sam and I walk to an empty chair at this table, take our clothes off, and then I take my contacts out. I look back up to her to see her wearing this peach halter top bikini.

"Cute." We say at the same time and then start laughing.

I look to the guys to see they're already in the water. We walk into the pool from the three feet and swim to the eight feet... But then the guys disappear.

"Where'd they go?" Sam asks.

"I dunno." Then all of a sudden there was a pain in my calve like someone bit me.

"Ow!" I exclaim treading water faster.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Someone bit me."

"What?" She asks laaughing.

"That's ridicu- ow!" She screams.

"You too?" I ask, and then the guys surface laughing.

"Not funny." Sam splashes Carlos and they laugh. I turn t o Jaden.

"You're so weird." I say laughing.

"...That wasn't me." He says. I look to Mateo who just shakes his head.

I was about to ask Moi when I felt a nibble on my thigh. I look down to see Justin. Then his head pops up.

"What's wrong with you?" I laugh while I push him.

"We should have a chicken fight." Carlos says. Justin smiles at me.

"No..... No ,no, no." I say.

But Justin still went under. He put he pulls me on top of him and swims back to the three feet. He put me down, swims under me and pulls me up on his shoulders. Then Carlos does the same.

"Ready?" Justin looks up to me.

"Yeah." I say.

"On three," Moi says.

"One.... Two... Three!"

Then Sam and I start. We're laughing and all while we try to knock eachother down. But in the end I get a good grip on her, and knock her down. The guys 'ohhhh' and then round two starts. Samantha knocked me down, but only because I wasn't ready. So third round starts and Justin and Carlos just start circling around.

"It's anyone's game." Jaden says.

So then Sam and I go at it again. We give eachother one final push and apparently I win because Sam landed in the water a second before me. We sam around and started playing games like Marco Polo until burgers were ready. We get out of the pool and then get our food. Jaden and I pull the towel around our shoulders and sit in a circle with everyone on the floor....

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