Breakfast With The Smiths

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... I wake up to someone playing with my hair. I slowly open my eyes and roll around to see Jaden propped up on his elbow smiling.


"Morning." I say back.

"Had a good dream?" He asks me.

"Mmmhmm." I say smiling.

"You?" I ask.

"Does it matter?" Jaden asks. I laugh.

"Well you asked so I asked back."

"You didn't have to."

"Time?" I ask him.


I was gonna say something, but I was interupted by the smell of pancakes and eggs and...

"Oh my god, is that bacon?!" I sit up. Jaden laughs.

"Do you guys have an extra toothbrush...?" I ask awkwardly.

"Yeah. Your breath does smell kinda rank." Jaden says.

"Your breath doesn't smell that hot either."

We both laugh. We walk to Jaden's bathroom and he gives me a toothbrush. I rip the package off and then we brush our  teeth. But while we were brushing our teeth Jaden and I were fighting for the mirror like he would push me out of the way and then I would push him, and we were laughing the whole time. Until we settled on half the mirror each.

"C'mon le's go!" I drag him downstairs to the kitchen. That's where we found Will. He turns around and.

"Morning." He says.

I see he's wearing an apron that says "Martha Stewart fears me". I was laughing so hard it's not even funny.

"What?" Will asks. Jaden's just smiling.

"Nothing... I just really like your apron." He looks down as if he forgot what it said.

"It's the truth though." I smile.

"It smells like it." Will laughs.

"Well I just finished." I grin as I watch Jaden get my food for me.

He put mini pancakes  as eyes, eggs as the mouth, two pieces of bacon as eyebrows, and syrup as eyes.

"Definitely an instagram moment."

I feel for my phone when I remember I have no pants. I look up at Jaden and he read my expression.

"We'll be right back." He tells Will.

We run back up to his room, and he gets me some gym shorts while I get my phone. Then we run back downstairs. I take my picture and comment,

"Breakfast at the Smith's :)"

Jaden gets his food.

"Now bring me the syrup." I tell Jaden and he laughs. 

"It's at the table." He tells me, so we walk to the dining room. That's when I see that the other Smith's were there. I look to Jaden and he gives me this reassuring look.

"Nice to finally meet you Stella." I look to Jaden who just blushes. I smile.

"You too Mrs. Smith."

"Please call me Jada." She smiles.

"So Jaden, is this your girlfriend?" I share a smile with Willow.

"Mom." Jaden groans.

"What? I'm curious." She says smiling.

"Why do you always assume every girl is my girlfriend?" Jaden asks.

"I do not." Jada says.

"Yeah you do." Will says. I snigger along with Willow and Jaden.

"But that's besides the point. You know I don't assume, but I'm curious." Will continues.

"Same." Willow says. Jaden looks over to me with a smile that says, "Gotta love family." I grin.

"She's not my girlfriend." Jaden says.

"Oh. Not yet, alright." Will says and I laugh. Then that conversation ends.

"So Stella, what do you plan on majoring in?" Jada asks.

"Mom." Jaden says.

"What? It's just a question." She defends herself and I smile. 

"Psychology. I'm actually taking AP Psych this year."

"I didn't know you could take it your sophmore year."

"You can't." I say. A second passes.

"You're a junior?" She asks me. I nod.

"What's your gpa?" She asks.

"Well my weighted is 4.4 but my unweighted is 3.7." Jada smiles impressed.

"Wow, ok. Um do you play anything?" She asks. I smile.

"Well not to brag, but in Florida I was volleyball's best in my district." I take a bite of my food.

"Really?" Everyone asks. 

"Mmmhmm." I say.

"And then I do gymnastics. But besides that I play the guitar and a little piano."

They all do nods of approval.

"I could play for you guys if you want." I shrug and everyone agrees. So we all talked until Jaden insisted on walking me home so I could take a shower and all that. I wait for Jaden to take a shower and then we leave...

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