Let The Games Begin

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... I follow Justin's gaze outside to Jaden sitting outside a little to close to this pretty brunette, with his hand on her thigh. I watch as they talk and laugh. Then I realize I vaguely remember her from Hunter's party. She was just another  passing face that gave me and Jaden a look as we passed by... or I thought she was. I try to hide my hurt as I turn back to Justin, but I can tell he sees right through it.

"I'm sorry." He strokes my cheek.

"I can't say I didn't see that coming... I just can't believe I fell for the same game, again."

"He's still a kid. He's still experimenting, he doesn't know what he wants yet." Justin says.

"I know what I want." I bite the inside of my lip smiling, and Justin kisses me.

I contemplate for about a second, and then I kiss him back...  So soon enough Justin and I are making out with his hands going up and down my curves. I scooch my legs under me so I tower over Justin a little. My hands tightly grip his neck while his stay on my hips.... A couple minutes later I try to pull away but Justin pulls me back into the kiss. I smile on his lips and so does he. Then he finally lets me pull away.

"What time is it?" I ask Justin.


"My fam's coming back in an hour." I say.

"So you wanna leave?"

"Yeah. If I stay my mom's gonna do this whole guilt trick on how I rather party than be with my family that's been worried sick about me." He nods undertandingly.

"So you wanna leave now?" He asks and I laugh.

"Yeah." We get up and walk outside. Justin nudges Carlos.

"Hey, we're about to head out." Justin says.

"What? You guys can't go. We're right about to start spin the bottle." I laugh.

"You did say one hour." Justin says smiling and I smile at his smile.

"Fine. One hour." Him and Carlos go to round people.

"So nothing between you and Justin, right?" Sam pops out of no where.

"Shut up." I say smiling.

"He does deserve someone real though," She goes on like I told her there is.

"after I heard about the Selena thing I just lost all respect." She continues.

"I know what you mean. He was devestated." 

"Whatcha talkin' about?" Justin comes  back.

"Nothing." I say and take a sip of my drink.

"This tastes like juice." Justin tastes some.

"It does." He says. I take another sip and pass it to Sam.

"You sure this is a drink?" She asks Justin.

"Yeah. It says Mike's Hard Black cherry Lemonade right there." She passes it to Carlos.

"I mean, it's good. But just not.. alcohol. You know?" We laugh and nod.

So we chill in the circle on what was the dancefloor a couple minutes ago until everyone gets in it.

"Alright. Now we just need a bottle." Carlos says.

I'm just sitting here reading the ingredients of the drink and I glance up to see everyone looking at me. I do a double take to make sure though.

"What?" I ask. Justin points to my bottle.

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