Why Can't People Learn The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance?

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..."Thank God. I was starting to think you weren't gonna make it." Scooter says.

"Nah I couldn't miss this." I say smiling.

I look at Jake who's trying to hide the rush I know he feels from being backstage, watching everything behind the scenes.

"Ayee, look who it is." Justin walks in.

"Hey!" I hug him and then he looks to Jake.

"That's your friend?"

"Yeah, Justin this is Jake. Jake, this is Justin." They shake.

"So how do you two know eachother?" Justin asks.

"He was my brother's best friend, and their family helped mine when we were struggling." Justin nods. It was quiet for a second.

"What I wanna know is why you guys didn't offer to sign her yet. Chick's got skill." Jake says.

"Nah, you go it twisted. Usher wants to sign her, buut she doesn't wanna be signed."

Jake gave me this look and I was so happy I got dragged off to hair and make up. They dress me in a white shirt, black shorts with studs on one side, a snapback that says "Obey" and black vans(http://goo.gl/OGP9i). So same deal as the last concert. I danced, sang, did dance battles, left, and then did overboard with Justin. We both changed and Jake offered to drive us to Maria's. So we walk the backroad way to Jake's car.

"Stop!" We all turn around to see a women dressed in a snazzy suit, and classy updo.

"Who are you?" She asks me.

"Um Stella Smock." I say. She shakes my hand.

"Gladys Mayer. I'm an agent. I own Universal Music Group." 

I can't lie, her impressing actually worked.

"Are you free rigt now? I was hoping we could talk over dinner."

I look to Jake and Justin to read their expressions. They were both telling me to go for it.

"One second." I call my mom.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Yeah mom, I met this women in Florida that owns Universal Music Group and she was wondering if we could talk over dinner. But that might mean that I'll get home a little l-"

"Why'd you call me?! Go!" I laugh.

"Alright, alright. Bye mom."

"Bye." She hangs up.

"Can they come?" I ask Gladys.


Justin and Jake take Jake's car, and I walk with Gladys to her car. I'm just staring blankly at the black Ferrari 612. As if wanting to impress me even further she clicked a button on her keys and the butterfly doors opened revealing. My jaw dropped to the floor. Gladys smirks and gets in her car. We slowly follow her in and then we drive to her house. If you thought I couldn't control myself around the car you should've seen me when we pulled up to her beach mansion. It legit took us two minutes to walk to the kitchen. We sat at the sixteen seater table with me between Jake and Justin and Gladys across from me.

"A friend of mine saw your performance yesterday,"

She snaps and then waitors appear with pitchers of water pouring it in our glasses.

"And sent me a video of part of it." She continues.

"Thank you." I tell the waitor when he pours my glass. He looks so suprised.

"You're welcome." He says sincerely.

Gladys gives him this assertive look telling him to leave and he retreated back to the kitchen.

"I think you have some serious potential." I smile at her flattering words.

She claps twice and then the waitors come back with four plates of food for all of us.

"Thank you."

I say once the waitor places the plate in front of me, and he looks at me with that same suprised look the other one gave me.

"You're welcome." He smiles and so do I.

Gladys gives him this aggravated look an he scurries back to the kitchen.

I take a bit of the food. It's chicken alfredo, but it's so amazing!

"I really feel that with my help you can make it big." I hate the arrogance I hear in her tone.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. I have a really good feeling about you." She snaps her finger for the waitor.

When he didn't get there fast enough she started snapping faster, and then he appeared next to her with the pitcher full of water. What got me mad though was the fact that she wasn't even done with her drink yet. Her glass was like half empty and the waitor had to wait until she finished to pour her more. I give Justin and Jake a look that says, "Is this lady forreal?" They just shrug. 

"I can see you appealing to all age groups." The waitor walks away.

"Um, where's the ice?" Gladys asks looking down to her glass.

The waitor takes it into the kitchen and brings her it back.


He gives me a look that says, "This is what I have to deal with." before taking it back once more and bringing it back.

"It's so hard to find good waitors." She says annoyed before he can even leave the room.

So Gladys kept going on and on about how much she wanted to be my agent. But I wasn't even paying attention to that. I just couldn't get past how rude she is to her staff. Once we finish our meal she claps her hands and the waitors appear to take our empty plates.

"Oh, I'm fine." I stand up before the waitor can take my plate and walk towards the kitchen.

"Stella, people like us have people to do that for us." She says as if I'm a little kid.

"I can manage myself."

I continue walking to the kitchen, and start wahsing my plate in the sink. The waitors were just looking at me in awe like they had no idea what to do. Then I noticed I had Jake and Justin behind me. I smile and stack my dish along with the others.

"Who made this food?" I ask.

They all look to a man with a chef's hat and an apron. He raises his hand nervously. I walk over to him.

"This food was ah-mazing!" He laughs. I can tell he was expecting something else.

"Would you mind writing te recipe down, my mom loves to cook." I explain to him.

"Of course!" He gets a sheet of paper, a pencil and begins to write.

"Thank you." I say when he hands it to me. I stuff it into my pocket.

Then I walk over to the waitors to tell them how much of a good job they actually did. I walk back to Gladys to see her with a confused look on her face.

"I don't know how you were raised, but I was raised that everyone is equal and should be treated equal." I tell Gladys.

"Let's go." I tell the guys.

"Sorry I don't like cocky bitches that think they're higher up than anyone else. I'm more of an Island Def Jam girl." I shrug.

We hop in Jake's car and leave...

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