It's Been Too Long My Love

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.... We pull our clothes on, grab our stuff and leave.

"So... I was wondering if you wanted to go to this party with me later tonight."

Jaden says as we start walking back home.

"Later?" Already going through dresses in my mind.

"Yeah, like ten, eleven." I grin.

"Alright." He smiles.

"Good." I shove him playfully, and he kept leaning on me making me lose my balance. Despite me telling him to stop while laughing he didn't... Until I trip and hit the wooden fence.

"Jaden!" He just laughs.

"It's not funny." I say while laughing....

So we reach the Smith household where I take a shower, wash my face, and wash my hair will Jaden hit up the crew. When I get out of the shower Jaden goes in, and I'm left to decide what to wear.I first put on my bra and underwear. Then I put on my deo, lotion, and moisterizer. I pick this pink shirt with a black anchor that's tied in the front. I put it on and I'm deciding on my black shorts or black skinnys when Jaden comes out of the shower.

"What do you think? Skinnys or shorts?" I ask him.

"Skinnys. You don't wanna hurt yourself when you fall." He smirks.

"Shorts it is." I say pulling them on. I put on white hoops, and black circle earrings.

I take a pair of my white van scoks in my hand while I slide into my slippers. Jaden just gives me a weird look.

"The shoes I want are at the house." I explain. He oh's, takes his board, and we walk to my house...

When we get there I run up to my room. I sit on my floor and pull on my socks. I walk into my closet and pull on my cheetah print vans. Then I put on my cheetah print snapback that has the "Vans off the Wall" logo in white on a pink skateboard. The brim of the hat was also pink. Last I take out this giant box and lay it out infront of Jaden. I open it.

"Pennyboard, nickelboard, longboard, or just regular skateboard?" He smiles.

"Skateboard." I grin.

That's my favorite. I got it customized and all with it's different yin and yang signs on it. (

"It's been too long my love." I say and kiss my skateboard deck. Jaden just laughs.

"So where's everyone?" I ask.

"Already at the place." He says as we walk outside.

"Where's the place?"

"Just follow me." Jaden says in a wayy thatmakes me smile.

So we hop on our boards and skate to who knows where. I just keep making turns left and right with Jaden. Then I see a beach and I get a little excited as I already have kind of an idea where we're going. Later I see the word Venice spread out between two buildings. I grin to myself. Venice Skatepark. That has to be where we're going.

"We're going to Venice skatepark?" I ask Jaden and I see the hint of a smile on his face.

"You know about it?" He asks.

"Yeah. I've always wanted to skate there." I say.

"For the auidence?" He asks and I laugh.


"That's the only reaon we skate here."

So when we finally get there Jaden pays for the both of us. Once we walk outside again I remembered how much I missed skating. I feel the corners of my mouth pull into a smile as I take in the sunken pools, ramps, mini walls, rails, and stairs. This place is dope! So I see Mateo, and Moises and a couple other kids I don't recgonize. But I haven't shredded in a long time because the skatepark was so far from my house. So I drop my skateboard, hop on it and start to skate. And all that no skating for so long came ALL OUT! I was popping ollie's and 360° ollie's left andd right. I hit a 360° flip tailgrab wallpalnt along with kickflips, me grinding rails, wallie's, inward heel flips, and varial heel flips. And that's just me without even hitting the sunken pools yet and mini ramps. I first went to the ramps. I di a rock the fakie, and rock n rool. Then I went into the sunken pools and waiting for me to get air, then I tuck knee to the next sunken pool. I hit a bean plant tip, and an indy grab out of the sunken pools. I did a hardflip over a staircase. I almost made a complete circle to the guys when I saw a railing coming up. I grinded on it then started skating back to them. When I was close I hit the broken fingers trick and skated up to them and kicked my board into my hand. Once I hear a claps from some people I remember that there's alwys an audience here. That's when I notice the guys are staring at me. I look to Jaden about to ask him why when I see he had the same look of awe on his face too.

"What? You guys act like you've never seen a girl skate before." I say smiling.

"No, a girl skate like that before. You're pretty decent." Mateo says.

So Jaden introduces me to some new people like Jahil and others that I forgot as soon as he told me. We all joked around and skated for a while. But Mateo was by my side 24/7 keeping me from being lonely. But I stay laughing with the kid. I don't even know how long after Jaden get's back to me.

"Ready to go?" He asks me.

"Yeah." Jaden helps me off the ground.

"Bye." I hug Mateo.

"See you tonight." He asks.

"You're going?" I ask excited I'll atleast know another person.

"You gotta have the life of the party at the party." Mateo says and I laugh.

"Right." I wave bye to everyone else and Jaden and I ride back home.

I look on my phone to see it's already going to eight. Whoa.

"We gotta stop by my house so I can get my clothes." I say.

"Will do." Jaden says. That's when I see the Instagram notification. I click it to see a pick of me doing a tuck kneein mid air  in a collage with Jaden doing a boardslide, Moises doing a kick flip in mid air, and Mateo ddoing a heelflip in mid air. "Yeah we skate hard better get up on our level :P" He commented. "Ya know it XD" I comment and then show Jaden.

"It's the truth." He says smiling.

"So you like the crew?" He asks.

"I like the crew." I say.

"Good." We both laugh then a silence followed.

All you could hear were our wheels, and passing cars.

"So I thought you couldn't skate that well. But you're pretty freaking good, what's up with that?" Jaden asks smiling.

"I didn't know  was still good." I shrug.

"You are." I smile

"So what kind of party is this?" I ask.

"The kind of party that goes on when ysomeone's parent's are away for the weekend." Jaden says as if it should've been obvious.

"Just checking." My outfit is definitely perfecto.

"What?" Jaden asks catching me smile.

"Nothing." ...

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