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So today it's Saturday and thanks to Justin helping us, we're moving out today. Now I have mixed feelings, I'm happy to leave, but at the same time I don't want to. I'm gonna miss a lot of people. Well some more than others. After breakfast we decided to pack the cars. So I take a quick shower and put on this blue crop top that's tied in the front, white shorts and this white bandana in my hair. So everyone's going back and forth up and downstairs. We finish in the next couple hours, well everyone else. So while they eat lunch now I still have to pack my special stuff in a box. That included my picture with Max, the tickets, my picture with Jaden, the gir and a couple other things. I walk downstairs and switch the box over to my left hand so I can open the door. Jaden was standing there with his finger pointing to the doorbell.

"You are moving." Jaden says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"I just found out you were moving."

Wait it's noon... and it's Saturday. Did it really take him this long? I sigh.

"Jaden, go home."

"Why didn't you tell me you were moving?" He asks.

"I didn't think it would matter to you." I tell him honestly and walk past him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." He walks back infront of me.

"What are you talking about?"

I purse my lips and look past him. I'm not gonna hace this conversation.

"Do you know what I've been doing for the past week?" There was silence.

"I've been in my room, just thinking." I still say nothing.

"So you're not even gonna ask about what I've been thinking about for a week?" He asks.

"Jaden, I'm done. I already told you I've done this before. I've been with the same guys that's done and said the same things. I don't wanna play this game again." I walk to the car to open the hood.

"This isn't a game to me." Jaden says.

"Right. Then after we finish this conversation you'll just go right back to Olivia."

"Stella there's nothing going on with me and her." I put the box on the hood and turn around.

"Jaden you can cut the crap I saw you both yesterday."

I can see him thinking back to yesterday. He looks at me questioningly as if asking that? And I just look at him like what else would it be?

"Noooo. I swear you're always at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was telling her that what we had was over and that she was messing up things between us. She was taking it pretty hard at first, but then out of nowhere she was all smiling and saying that she understood. But then she said she had this superstition that if you don't end a relationship with a kiss it jinxes future relationships. So I asked her if I gave her one kiss if she would back off and she told me she would."

This does sound kinda true.

"Did she ask you if you talked to me before you guys had your conversation?" He thinks.

"Yeah, she did." Now that sounds like Olivia.

I turn back around shaking my head and smiling.

"That bitch." I pop the trunk open, stack the box on the others and close it back. Then I turn back around to Jaden.

"She saw me. I knew she saw me!" I walk to the steps of my house and sit on the second to last one.

"I gotta give it to her though, she's smart." I continue.

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