Oh The Confusion :/

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.... When we finish Carlos decides that we should chill in the jacuzzi. So we do. I end up between Teo and Justin. So Carlos starts using this conversation starter app he has on his phone.

"What is the craziest thing you ever did...." He looks to me.

"Stella." I smile.

"The craziest?" I ask. He nods.

"Um that would probably have to be back in my freshman year of high school. These senior boys invited me and my best friend Maria to this party in some crazy part of this forest in like the everglades. And the everglades is really far from our houses so in the midde of the night I snuck off to her house, and we took her dads car. My dad started taught me to drive that summer so I was str caight. So they waited up for us by this fence so they could help us jump it. So we crossed it, and there were bonfires and beer and oh my god we thought we were so cool. But then the cops came so everyone including our dates cleared it and left us. We ran back to the fence but then remembered it had barbed wire on it. We contemplated for a second. Either get busted by the cops or scratch ourselves up a little and make it back home. So we jumped the fence. It hurt like a bitch, but we did it trying not to make too mucch noise for the cops to hear us. We got back to the car, hoped in and started laighing while I put the keys in the ignition and I put the car in reverse instead of drive and crashed into this tree behind us. But what's even worse than that was the cops heard the crash."

The guys 'damn' and I just nod.

"Yeah." I say.

"I bet you miss her." Carlos says smiling.

"Like hell." I respond.

"Your turn." Carlos hands me his phone. I swipe through the questions looking for one I like.

"What is the best way to relaz in your opinion... Jaden."

"Uh I dunno. Chill, make or play music." Then it's his turn.

"If you found five hundred dollars what would you do, Teo?"

"Keep that shit." He says without hesitation and we all laugh.

"If you could have any super power what would it be and why, Moi?" Teo asks.

"Invincibility. I could watch girls get dressed whenever I feel like it." We laugh.

"What do you miss most about being a kid, Sam?" Moi asks.

"Nap time." I laugh.

"Would you rather be rich and never find true love or poor and find true love, Justin?"

"Poor and find true love. I'm a romantic." He shrugs. I smile at him. That's so cute.

"What do you think is the sexiest part of the opposite sex, Stella?" I roll my eyes.

"Thst's not on there." I say.

"I'm looking right at it." Justin laughs.

"Lemme see." I take the phone and smile when I see the question.


"Whatever." And then there was silence.

"Any day now Stella." Justin joked.

"It has to be somewhere between eyes and lips."

Justin makes the most ridiculous face ever with duck lips and a petafile stare.

"Sexy right?" He asks and I laugh along with everyone else.

"Soo sexy."

So the questions keep getting tossed around when it's Justin's turn again.

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