Gotta Love Cali

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A guy with a gruff voices calls, but not in my direction. My heart drops as I hear another guy chuckle. Then they walk into my room.

"What do we have here?"

The other guy asks, then touches my hair. I inhale sharply but then he just springs it. Then he tugs at my blindfold.

"I like what you did there. Smart girl."

They both sounded older than me, but not that much. I would say the oldest they were was 23. He strokes my cheek and apparently I didn't tie my bandana tight enough because somehow a tear made its way through.

"Hey, we're not here to hurt you."

He coaxes while wiping my cheek.

"Yeah, it's not like you saw us."

The guy with the gruff voice adds. A little joy found its way into my heart.

"So you're gonna leave?"

There was a short pause followed by laughter.

"No." The rougher voice says. My heart drops further.

"But..." I decide to stall time for the police.

"We said we're not going to hurt you... But it might lead to that if you don't," He laughs to himself.

"Play along." Before I can ask what he meant he kisses me. I had to fight my reflex to push him of me because who knows if these guys are armed. I don't know why I had the idea that he would be all dirty and nasty with horrible breath. But no. He smells like Axe, Phoenix, and the taste of mint lingers on his taste. I know I'll need a good description for the cops, so I act. He lays me down on the bed and goes on top of me. I know he's taller that me because whiole he's kissing my neck my feet are somewhere around his shins. His hands go up my shirt, stroking my curves. I feel from his bac to his chest. I find that he has a six pack, pectorals, and a v cut. But he was still slim. He wasn't bulky. I make my way to his arms to find their pretty muscular too. I began to regret not putting on a bra when his hands starting going higher and higher up my body. When he reaches my boobs he starts nibbling on my lower neck and makes his way to my collarbone. Then he makes it to my cleavage. I start running my hands through his hair. It was straight and a little over his forehead. He starts trying to give me a hickey, but I flip us over before he can do any real damage. I start making out with him with his hands on my hips and mine going up and down his neck to his jaw. That's when I figure out his jawline is pretty strong also. Then I hear the sirens. Thank God. "Shit." He gently moves me off him and gets off the bed. I sit up and hear them pick up whatever they came with.

"If you get lucky you might see me again."

He says to me. I hear my window open and next thing I know he's gone. I just sit there on my bed with a million things going through my head. The door downstairs bangs open. But I just sit here with my mouth slightly open. I hear a grooup of people talking downstairs. I try to call out, to at least let them know I was here. But nothing came out. I just sit there listening to the police call clear after every room, when one finally finds me.

"She's here!" He shouts.

He unties my blindfold and it takes me a second to get adjusted to the light.

"Are you alright?" He asks. I nod.

"Come on."

I reach over to my nightstand to get my glasses. Then pick my phone up from the floor of my closet. After, him and the others walk me to the living room. That's where they question me, adn I tell them all that happened and the best description I could give of one of the two. Last they take samples from my cleavage and collarbone....

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