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"...So... you and Justin Bieber, huh?" Jake called me on my way to school. I smile.

"I was waiting for you to ask. No, we're just friends."

"You sure he knows that?" 


"What about that kid, Jaden." I sigh.

"I don't even know. I haven't from him since Friday, and neither has anyone else."

"Mmmm I feel you."

"No you don't. I'm so confused it's not even funny." He laughs and the sound makes me smile.

"I'm so forreal though!... But besides that, you know Brandon misses you." I tell him.

"Brandon said that?" Jake asks skeptically.

"You know he doesn't have the balls to come out and say it."Jake laughs.

"But I know he does." I continue. Then the bell rings.

"Listen, Jake I gotta get to class. I'll call you later though."



"Bye." Jake says chuckling.

I didn't hear the beep indicating the person on the other line hanging up.

"Jake?" I ask.

"What?" He asks amused.

"Hang up the phone."

"You do still do that."

"Yeah, I do. Now hang up." I say smiling.


"Forreal this time. I'm outside my English class."

"Chiiiill I will, I will."

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye." Jake hangs up the phone and I walk into class......

"What's goody in the hoody?" I ask Mateo as I walk into  Peer Counseling.

"Same ol' same ol'." He says. 

"Sounds boring."

"Can you rain dance?" 

"What?" I ask smiling.

"You know, that native American rain dance." He offers.


"Damn... I wanna learn that." I burst out laughing. Then class starts.

..."So when is Jaden planning on coming back?" I ask Teo as we get our food.

"I don't know. He didn't say." I nod and then we walk to the table together.

So apparently Olivia found a group of her own. I haven't even been here for a full two weeks but I know they're basically the school whores....

So later we played our volleyball game and you wouldn't guess who won... Us!

"That was real impressive."

Micahel Sealy approaches me when I came out of the locker room after the game.

"Thank you." I blush.

"Now, about what we were talking about on the phone."

"The scholarship?" I ask. He nods.

"We want to offer you one." My jaw drops.

"A scholarship?"

"A full scholarship." 

I just stare at him absolutely speechless.

"So are you gonna accept it or-"

"Of course! Yeah!" He laughs.

"Great. We have a campus tour two weeks from now. You should come by."

"I will." I tell him.

"Alright, I'll see you then."

"You definitely will." I run up the bleachers to my family.

"Well?" Peyton asks.

"They didn't offer me a scholarship." Their faces drop.

"They offered me a full scholarship!" They pull me into a group hug along with the shouting and all...

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