Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Location: Pacific Ocean
Time: Morning

???: "Ready for War or Peace."

???: "Admiral Ace, are you okay?"

Admiral Ace: "Of course I'm okay. I'm only repeating our motto captain."

Captain: "Ah I see Admiral. How long is it until we return to the mainland?"

Admiral Ace: "Probably a few more days or so.."

Captain: "A few more days? I don't think any of us could wait for a few more days Admiral. Especially since we're low on supplies.."

Admiral Ace: "I understand Captain, however our top priority is to make sure our fleet is safe and we should continue to be on guard as anything could happen."

Captain: "Yes sir."

The captain then gave a salute before turning to look out of the ship's interior window. Thats when she noticed a strange light out in the distance.

Captain: "Uhhh sir..? I have a bad feeling about that!"

She soon pointed to the bright light and thats when the Admiral hit his radio, calling to the rest of his fleet which composed of three submarines, five destroyers, five light cruisers, and three patrol boats.

Admiral Ace: "Attention to all ships! We have an anomaly ahead. Unknown if hostile or friendly. Do not engage until we are in range to determine what it is."

Every Ship: "Yes sir!"

Admiral Ace: "Full steam ahead. I want to see what that thing is and send a report to command."

Captain: "Aye Aye."

She then left her post to send the report as their fleet began making its approach to the light, wanting to get a visual of what they're looking at or what they might go up against.

25 minutes later

Admiral Ace: "How close are we to it, captain?"

Captain: "We're in range sir. Should we send out a F-35 to scout it?"

Admiral Ace: "Negative. I don't want anyone near that thing just yet. Have them on standby to engage if necessary."

Captain: "Yes sir."

Admiral Ace continued to look out towards the direction of where the light came from, wondering what they would be facing.

Admiral Ace: *In his thoughts* What are you...?

Soon, something appeared and it looked as if it was a portal, catching everyone off guard as ships began to appear through it.

Admiral Ace: "What in the...?"

Suddenly, the fleet began to be fired at by the approaching ships. Without wasting another second, the Admiral quickly opened his comms.

Admiral Ace: "All ships! Engage! We're under attack by unknown ships!"

Soon, the alarms of each ship rang out as they quickly got ready to engage the unknown threat. That's when the Admiral noticed enemy aircraft flying towards them.

Admiral Ace: "Captain! Launch all aircraft from this ship immediately! We have unknown aircraft approaching us and we need to take those down!"

The captain nodded and soon the F-35's from the USS Abraham Lincoln began to take off, flying to engage the unknown aircraft. A destroyer on the left of them, which was the USS Cole, exploded as a projectile hit it, causing it to sink.

Admiral Ace: "Shit! Send an SOS to the mainland or any other fleet in the area! We just lost USS Cole!"

After he said that, two more destroyers were destroyed quite close to them. The USS Fitzgerald and the USS Farragut were down and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Next, a patrol boat quickly tried to evade what seemed to be a torpedo heading towards them. They barely made it before returning fire at the unknown ships, managing to sink at least two of them.

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