Chapter 13: The Two Maidens

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???: "Let's go."


Location: Sakura Empire

Time: Evening

???: "What do you have to report, Takao, Atago?"

Takao: "The group our seniors and the fifth carrier division have fought before has joined Azur Lane."

???: "Interesting. What else?"

Atago: "They held a ceremony to congratulate them into their ranks."

???: "And thats how you found out they joined them?"

Takao: "Yes however we have learned that their group's leader have awaken and returned."

???: "Ah. This could be quite troublesome. Has Iron Blood heard of this?"

Takao: "No, they haven't. We reported this to you, Nagato."

Nagato: "I see. Well, send a messenger out to Iron Blood and warn them that Azur Lane now has a new fleet consisting of them."

Atago and Takao: "Hai."

Nagato: "Oh and also, tell Akagi and Kaga to return here. I would like to speak with them once they're done doing their information gathering."

Takao: "Hai. We'll get them once we're there."

Nagato: "Now, if you excuse me, I must speak with Shoukaku and Zuikaku. I would like to learn how much damage this group can cause."

Atago and Takao then bow before leaving Nagato and her shrine.

Nagato: "This is all interesting indeed.."

After waiting a few minutes, Shoukaku and Zuikaku were walking up the stairs to report to Nagato. Once they got to the shrine, Nagato was waiting for them.

Shoukaku and Zuikaku: "Evening, Nagato."

Nagato: "Evening. Now, sit down and tell me what do you have to report."

Shoukaku and Zuikaku: "Hai."

Shoukaku was the first one to speak.

Shoukaku: "Iron Blood's base took a decent amount of damage. It appears that the group that was led by Enterprise herself, destroyed a large majority of the defense and they manged to sink a few of the siren ships stationed there."

Zuikaku: "And not only that, the base had large craters all over the place but it was heavily concentrated where they were holding someone important."

Nagato: "The person they rescued is someone important to them. Someone who has the capability of fighting against Akagi and Kaga. Doesn't it remind you of someone?"

Zuikaku: "Like the grey ghost? They couldn't be that strong if Iron Blood managed to capture them."

Nagato: "Thats because they weren't expecting it. If they were, a full battle would have been ensued. Iron Blood had the upperhand of a surprise but if they didn't, then the tides would have been turned."

Shoukaku: "So you're saying the person is quite strong?"

Nagato: "I would not doubt their abilities as we have not seen all of their hands nor all of their tricks. We must be wary of them."

Zuikaku: "I see. Sister, we should go back and examine their base once more to determine what kind of firepower they used. They seem like normal cannon fire but quite different."

Shoukaku: "You are right, my dear little sister. We should return and examine the damage once again."

Nagato: "See to it, you two. I do not want us to be caught off guard from these people."

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