Chapter 15: The Awakening

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The day went by without another incident from Abraham and soon everyone went back to enjoying their time with one another, building up a bond while Abraham stayed near Wales for the entire day, deciding not to do anything dumb for a while.


During the night, everyone decided to go and take a bath in a hotspring that was built by the Royal Navy to end their day. However as everyone went, including Antietam, Anzio, Maryland, Tennessee, Alabama, Monsoon and Hurricane, the males of Carrier Strike Group 3 did not go, feeling that it was inappropriate of them to do such a thing. Abraham was standing on the beach, staring out towards the ocean as Cole, Barry, George, Fitzgerald, and Farragut were sitting down on a few crates playing a game of cards, poker to be exact. Chinook and Chosin were sitting down near a small lit fire where Chosin was telling Chinook a story, trying to entertain him. However, Hill approached Abraham and stood by his side.

Hill: "Not playing poker, sir?"

Abraham: "No. Don't have anything to gain or lose."

Hill: "I see. You're reminding me of Admiral Ace, just without the cigarettes and a bottle of booze."

Abraham: "Well I have the cigarettes, just not the booze."

Hill: "Really, sir? You shouldn't be smoking as it's bad for you health."

Abraham: *chuckles* "Ah I'll be dead anyways. Gotta have one more smoke you know. Want one?"

Hill: *sighs* "No thanks, sir."

Abraham: *taking out a cigarette and lighting it* "Suit yourself."

Hill remained quietly by his side before speaking again.

Hill: "Do you miss our home?"

Abraham: "Strange question but yeah, I do. Would love to get back and serve with the others but we can't change fate now. Besides, these people here are like our family too, you know?"

Hill: "Yeah, I know. Just don't feel a sense of purpose."

Abraham: "You're kind of dumb, Hill."

Hill: "Huh? What are you talking about sir?"

Abraham: "Just don't feel a sense of purpose. You know you do have a sense of purpose. Protecting the fleet, helping others, starting a family and living your life to the fullest."

Hill: "Starting a family? Can ships even do that?"

Abraham: "Hell would I know? But it sure sounded right in my words though, thats for sure. Besides, we're going to war with Iron Blood in a few weeks so think of it as a sense of purpose."

Hill: "How would war count as a sense of purpose?"

Abraham: "We will have Chinook, Hurricane and Monsoon with us. They're still young and I know you want to protect any of your friends, especially those three."

Hill: "Well, you're right about that.."

Abraham chuckled before turning to face Hill, still having the lit cigarette in his mouth.

Abraham: "Hey, take care of those three. They'll be relying on you out there and so will the others. I believe in you so don't feel so down. You still got us with you. Besides, you got Hornet too."

Hill: "But Hornet isn't a part of our group, sir."

Abraham sighed before patting Hill's shoulder, walking past him a bit.

Abraham: "Time will tell, Hill. Time will tell."

Hill watched as Abraham left and he was still confused by his words but before he could get any more thoughts in, Chinook called out to him.

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