Chapter 30: The End?

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Soon, they too had left to go see Yorktown in her dorm, letting the autumn leaves to blow in the wind alone. However, the day seemed to have gone by without any incident as many people were doing sorties while others were cleaning up the base of the leftover Halloween decorations, making sure not to miss anything as the new month had started.


Date: November 2nd, 1946

Location: Azur Lane Base

It appeared to be just another normal day as many members of Azur Lane were doing everyday things. Some were in the canteen, some were on the dock, others out on sorties and some in the buildings. Some, mainly the destroyers, were in class while members of CSG 3 were walking around the island. However only 3 members of CSG 3 were not present on the island. Rather there was a small fleet not that far from the island, sitting in the middle of the ocean. The fleet consisted of an aircraft carrier and two destroyers.

Abraham, Benfold and Barry, were running a system check on their radars and sonars. While this was going on, Abraham was standing on his aircraft carrier doing an equipment check, making sure everything was operational since he was about to go on a sortie with the two but while doing so, he took a quick scan of his radar in the captain's bridge. That's when he noticed something off about it...

(Abraham's POV)

I was looking at my monitor that was running radar. I was rather confused and a bit suspicious when I noticed one large blip on it. It was heading towards the base and I looked up, checking the sky in which it was quite clear.

Abraham: "It's not a storm and nothing in this world is that big.. Somethings off.."

I said to myself, wondering what the blip was. I then quickly grabbed my radio and I called out to the two.

Abraham: "Benfold, Barry, are you two getting the same readings I am? Over."

There was some static for a bit before a voice came through.

Benfold: "Yes sir. I don't know what it is but it's coming to the base, over."

Abraham: "Anything on your sonars? Over."

Barry: "Negative, sir. Nothings in the water at this time, over."

Abraham: "Copy that. We're going to be stationed closer to the base then. I'll also be sending an E-2 Hawkeye out alongside two F-35's, over."

Barry: "Copy that sir. Everything is operational over here, over."

Benfold: "My equipment is ready to go, over."

Abraham: "Copy. Move closer to the base and prepare for whatever's coming, over."

Barry and Benfold: "Copy that sir."

I stood in my bridge as I watched the two ships begin to turn away from my position and they began to head back to base. I took a small breath as I didn't know what was coming but it was giving me a bad feeling. I then launched two F-35's before launching the E-2 Hawkeye, wanting to make sure the airspace was clear. After doing a visual check with the two F-35's, I then launched the E-2 Hawkeye before heading back to the base with an unsettling feeling.

20 Minutes Later

I had anchored near the base, close to the docks as I waited for any report from my E-2 Hawkeye. I was still feeling uneasy as I stared at my radar, watching as the large blip continue it's path to the base. Barry and Benfold were near my position, waiting patiently for whatever was coming. That was when I got an alert from the E-2 Hawkeye as it got close to the blip but before I could figure out what was coming, I lost contact with it. I then quickly closed my eyes and I shifted my focus on the two F-35's that were it's escort. As I did, I saw a large dark storm coming towards the base and something large lurking in it but before I could get any more details, the F-35 on my right exploded after a large yellow beam blasted it. I quickly had my last F-35 break off and return as it dodged yellow beams, avoiding it's own destruction. I had opened my eyes and I quickly grabbed my radio, calling out to Benfold and Barry.

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