Chapter 10

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???: "Copy that. We'll be waiting for your arrival."


Location: Azur Lane

Time: Late at Night

(Enterprise POV)

We finally made it back to base. Its been a long day and everyone was exhausted. I was glad that we freed Abraham but I was still worried about his state. I was staring out from my deck and I grabbed onto the rails, wondering how would Wales react to his state. Seeing her cry was heartbreaking and I didn't want to see her like that. I must've been holding onto the rail for a while as Maryland came to my side and gently poked me. I looked towards her, raising an eyebrow to her.

Enterprise: "What is it, Maryland?"

Maryland: "I came out here to check on you.. You been here for a while so has something been on your mind?"

Enterprise: "The only thing on my mind is how Wales is going to react to Abraham's state.."

Maryland: "I know how she'll react.. She'll react with anger, pain and sadness.. I've seen it once before in my Admiral and I'm sure we'll see it again in Wales."

Enterprise: "I hope she does not let this get to her.. Anyways, how is Abraham? How is his state?"

Maryland: "Vestal stated that he went into a coma. He'll be out of commission for a few days as well. The damage he's suffered has rendered him uncapable of movement and surgery may be required to readjust parts of his body.. Especially his ribcage.."

I noticed how Maryland stated his injuries. She seemed to be worried and disturbed by it. I turned to face her completely, leaving the rails of my carrier.

Enteprise: "Its that bad, huh?"

Maryland only nodded to my question and I looked towards the medical building.

Enterprise: "Im going to go see Wales and Belfast. You should go and get some rest."

Maryland: *shakes head* "I couldn't sleep.. Seeing our admiral like that is terrifying.. I don't want to lose another admiral.."

I looked at Maryland and I was confused by her words.

Enterprise: "Another admiral? Was there someome before Abraham?"

Maryland: *nods* "There was. Back in our world, we had our own crew who were humans and we were their vessels. The admiral used to serve with Abraham. His name was Admiral Ace. He was an amazing admiral that led us through battles and we were always victorious.. However when the sirens attacked, he and everyone else gave their lives to stop them and we, the vessels, sunk along with them."

I looked at Maryland and I could tell she was saying the truth. I noticed how much she was hiding her anger through her calm demeaneor. It must've been when she saw Abraham's state so I reached out and I gave her a hug, noticing that she was surprised by my actions.

Enterprise: "It's alright. He'll recover but for now you need to rest, okay?"

I felt Maryland return the hug and I felt her nod her head.

Maryland: "I'll try.. Thank you, Enteprise."

I smiled a little as Maryland let go. We said our goodbyes and I watched her walk towards her dorms and I head into the medical building. I was walking towards Wales and Belfast's room and I entered it. I saw Belfast was still up and Wales was sleeping.

Enterprise: "You're still up, Belfast?"

Belfast: "Good evening, Ms. Enterprise. I cannot rest tonight. Ms. Wales might wake up again in tears."

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