Chapter 26

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I nodded and we soon left the resort house with our fingers intertwined with one another as we headed to the main building of the entire resort.


Five Days Later

Location: Northern Parliament

Time: Unknown

???: "Comrade Gangut, is he awake yet?"

Gangut: "No, comrade Rossiya. It seems he will not wake up any time soon."

Rossiya: "What about others? Wake up, yes?"

Gangut: "No. Only one wake up, other one still asleep like bear."

Rossiya: "Who is awake?"

Gangut: "Submarine who go by Maryland."

Rossiya: "Ah, strong one, yes?"

Gangut: "Yes, she awaken."

Rossiya: "Xороший. Comrade Volga, check on her."

Volga: "Xорошо."

After Rossiya's orders were said, Volga left the room to go check on Maryland and soon Rossiya turned to leave.

Rossiya: "When he's awake, report immediately, Gangut."

Gangut: "Да, мэм."

Rossiya began to leave the room, heading down to what was the canteen. As soon as she walked in, she spotted the Dragon Empery shipgirls and her own shipgirls there. Some were worried about Abraham and the others while some were freaking out from the Empress appearing in the battle they just fought.

Tashkent: "Why Empress appear in middle of fight?"

Tallinn: "Not know true intentions, comrade Tashkent."

Kirov: "Kiev is still hurt from battle alongside those from Azur Lane. Comrades, the tides has turned against us.."

Grozny: "Yes, tides have turned but we must not give up."

An Shan: "Even if we continue to fight, we won't win.."

Belorussiya: "We will win, comrade.."

An Shan: "I am An Shan.."

Belorussiya: "Thank you, comrade An Shan. Now, not forget we're here altogether. Empress will taste full power of Northern Parliament."

Ning Hai: "And the full power of Dragon Empery."

Ping Hai: "But what if we lose even if we use our full power..?"

Ning Hai: "Dear sister, you must always stay positive."

Minsk: "Comrade is right. We must not give up hope."

Yat Sen: "She's right but what should we do? Royal Navy and Eagle Union are somewhere while Sakura Empire and Iron Blood are too far away to help."

Fu Shun: "I agree with Yat Sen. The others are doing their own things.. We do not have many people who can fight against so many.."

???: "But thats okay, comrades. We will get through this."

Everyone in the canteen turned to looked at Rossiya who began to approach them. She then stopped in front of the large group, looking at them with a serious look.

Rossiya: "We will wait and recover. The Empress has fled fight so we must take time to recover. We thank you for coming to help but you must return home now."

Belorussiya: "Comrade Rossiya, are we not fighting anymore?"

Rossiya: "Yes, comrade Belorussiya. We have sustained bad injuries but our wills still stand. We must recover in order to fight again."

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